- Nonequilibrium Production Model of Yellowfin Tuna in the Central and Western Pacific
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題 名 | Nonequilibrium Production Model of Yellowfin Tuna in the Central and Western Pacific=應用非平衡生產量模式評估西太平洋黃鰭鮪資源 |
作 者 | 孫志陸; 葉素然; | 書刊名 | 臺灣海洋學刊 |
卷 期 | 34:4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁31-41 |
分類號 | 439.24 |
關鍵詞 | 資源評估; 黃鰭鮪; 非平衡生產量模式; Stock assessment; Yellowfin tuna; Nonequilibrium production model; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本報告整理分析臺灣、日本及美國等自1970至1992年在西太平洋海域之鮪延繩釣 、大型鰹鮪圍網及鰹竿釣等漁業之黃鰭鮪漁獲量及漁獲努力量資料。首先將漁獲努力量以一 般線性模式(GLM)方法,依國別漁業別分別予以標準化;繼之,應用ASPIC非平衡生產量模 式分析估算出西太平洋海域黃鰭鮪之年漁獲死亡率、最大持續生產量(MSY)以及在最大持 續生產量下之漁獲死亡率(Fmsy)等重要資源評估參數,並以bootstrap程序求得各參數估 值之信賴區間;最後,根據這些參數,對西太平洋黃鰭鮪進行資源評估。結果得知西太平洋 黃鰭鮪1992年漁獲死亡率為0.261,最大持續生產量為670,000公噸,該資源Fmsy為0.754, 資源現況尚屬樂觀,處於適度開發階段,無過漁之憂。惟此資源近年開發頗速,為保此資源 之未來持續成長,其資源狀況及漁業發展仍應予以繼續評估與監視。 |
英文摘要 | Yellowfin tuna catch and effort data from 1970 to 1992 in the western Pacific area by country (Taiwan, Japan, U.S., and others) and by gear (longline , purse seine, and pole and line) were collected and compiled separately. The effort data were standardized by the general linear model (GLM). A nonequilibrium stock production model---ASPIC and a bootstrap procedure with 1000 trials were then applied to assess the current status of the tellowfin tuna stock. The results showed that fishing mortality rate in 1992 was 0.261, the Fmsy of the stock is 0.745, and the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the stock is 670,000 MT. These results are similar to those obtained by Hampton and Lewis (1993) by using the tag-attrition model. Based on these results, the current status of the tellowfin tuna stock is optimistic. However, in view of the recent rapid increase in catch, it is pointed out that the stock condition and developments in the fishery still need to be monitored. |