- 自製與市售豬油之油脂組成分析
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- 鴕鳥肉、雞肉、牛肉與豬肉的營養成分比較
- 高膽固醇飲食添加紅麴粉末及黃豆固醇對倉鼠體內脂質代謝及抗氧化酵素之影響
題 名 | 自製與市售豬油之油脂組成分析 |
作 者 | 陳昭雄; | 書刊名 | 技術學刊 |
卷 期 | 10:3 1995.09[民84.09] |
頁 次 | 頁359-365 |
分類號 | 466.18 |
關鍵詞 | 豬油; 三酸甘油酯; 脂肪酸; 膽固醇; 成分分析; Lard; Triacylglyceral; Fatty acid; Cholesterol analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的為瞭解食用豬油中之油脂組成及膽固醇之存在情形。除了提供此類油脂之組成訊息外,並提出有關研究此類油脂之方法。本實驗分析的豬油樣品計有自製豬油、超市豬油及商業豬油等三種。由粗油分析結果發現,商業豬油、自製豬油和超市豬油其油酸與亞油酸的含量分別為49.41%、44.889%、46.559%、和15.639%、19.76%、15.47%。以薄層層析─火燄離子化檢出儀分析三種豬油中的三酸甘油酯與極性部分之相對含量時,發現商業豬油的極性油脂含量最高,為7.02%;自製豬油與超市豬油極性油脂含量相近,分別佔有3.35%及4.279%。以矽膠管柱分離取得三酸甘油酯的脂肪酸分析發現,商業豬油、自製豬油和超市豬油,其油酸和亞油酸的含量分別為53.13%、49.90%、46.49%和12.02%、14.83%、15.60%。在凝固點的分析試驗中,商業豬油、自製豬油和超市豬油的 油脂熔點分別為3-6℃23-29℃<日26-31℃以氣相層析儀分析,發現百克油脂中商業豬油之膽固醇含量 (34.28±0.95毫克),明顯低於超市豬油 (52.06±16.58 毫克) 及自製豬油 (70.24±2.46毫克) 所含者。由薄層層析法之結果證實利用熱煉法所得的自製豬油和超市豬油中並沒有膽固醇氧化產物。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, the fatty acid composition, polar lipid and cholesterol contents of commercial, home-made and supermarket lards were analyzed. The contents of oleic and linoleic acids were estimated as 49.419 %, 44.88 %, 46.55 %, and 15.639 %, 19.76 %, 15.47 % in three kinds of lard, respectively. on the other hand, oleic and linoleic acids present in the triglyceride fractions isolated from three lard samples by column chromatography were determined as 53.13 %, 49.90 %, 46.49 % and 12.02 %, 14.83 %, 15.60 %, respectively. By using of thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detector (TLC-FID) method, it was found that the relative polar lipid content was higher in commercial lard (7.02 %) than that in home-made (3.35 %) and supermarket (4.27%) lards. The melting point of these lards were estimated as 3-6℃commercial), 23-29℃ (home-made), and 26-31℃ (supermarket), respectively. Cholesterol in lards was determined by gas-liquid chromatography, and the content in commercial lard (34.28±.95 mg/l00g oil) was found lower than that in supermarket lard (52.05±.58 mg/l00g oil) and home-made lard (70.24±.46 mg/100g oil). Based on the results obtained by TLC study, it can be concluded that the auto-oxidization of cholesterol might not occur under the melting-out process in preparation of home-made and supermarket lards. |