- 出院藥癮病人的追蹤
- Rharmacological Prevention of Relapse
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題 名 | 出院藥癮病人的追蹤 |
作 者 | 張鈺姍; 余伍洋; 李家順; 陳明招; 楊寬弘; | 書刊名 | 中華心理衛生學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1995.05[民84.05] |
頁 次 | 頁17-30 |
分類號 | 415.8753 |
關鍵詞 | 藥癮患者; 再度使用; 治療因素; 復發; Drug addict; Lapse; Relapse; Treatment factor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來吸毒人口激增,引起社會大眾之關注,戒毒機構的林立似乎未能減少吸毒人數,本研究的目的在探討藥物成癮者戒治後再度使用的相關因素,期以做為參與藥癮戒治者的參考。 本研究以前瞻性追蹤研究方式,以高雄市立凱旋醫院煙毒勒戒科完成凱旋戒治模式的個案為對象,其中安非他命組67位,鴉片類組81位,皆完成持續一年的追蹤,並以治療前、中、後三因素來分析,結果如下:(1)治療前因素:濫用藥物時間愈短者,預後愈好。(2)增加治療內容及治療時間的凱旋戒治模式,可提高戒治的成效。(3)治療後因素:「自找因應」缺失(如失眠、情緒低落、失去興趣、緊張、發脾氣等)及「人際互動」缺失(如無固定工作,與以前吸毒朋友來往等)是影響再度使用最主要的因素。 根據本研究的結果,為提高戒治成效,提供以下四點建議:(1)早期發現,早期治療。(2)藥癮戒治在治療設計上成法律上的管理,至少需要六個月。(3)藥癮戒治的過程中,須積極輔以「認知行為技巧訓練」,以幫助個案學習因應面對藥物的誘惑時,能避免再度使用。(4)鼓勵企業家提供戒治後的藥癮患者工作機會,使他們能在非毒環境下工作,並從工作中重建信心。遠離毒品。 |
英文摘要 | 148 drug addicts comprising 67 amphetamine and 81 opiate cases werefollowed up one year after discharge from Narcotics Abstinence Department in Kai Suan Psychiatric Hospital and Institute. The factors associated with lapse or relapsewere studied. Results showed that shorter duration of substance abuse (less than oneyear) was related to the least postreatment drug use. The provision of special servicesand length of time in treatment were more related to abstinence success. A varity ofintrapersonal deficits (insomnia, depressive mood, nervousness, loss of interest, badtemper etc.) and interpersonal deficits (unemployment, reinforcement by drug-usingfriends) were the major lapse or relapse factors. It is suggested that early finding and treatment help in better outcome, the provision of special services during treatment including cognitive-behavioral skill training might help in the reduction of lapse or relapse rate, and a minimum of six-monthduration is suggested for either abstinence treatment or law enforcement. |