題 名 | 單軸擠壓機加工飼料玉米之研究 |
作 者 | 王村銘; 彭錦樵; 許振忠; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 44:2 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-15 |
分類號 | 434.251 |
關鍵詞 | 單軸擠壓機; 澱粉消化率; 膨發率; 剪切力; 比容積; Single-screw extruder; Starch digestibility; Expansion ratio; Shear force; Specific volume; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 飼料加工之目的,在於分離原料中所需之部份、改善其適口性 及營養成份,以提高飼料之消化率,增進飼料之利用率,進而除去飼料 中有毒物質,促使飼料安定,增加貯藏時間而不變質。 本研究以單軸擠壓機加工飼料玉米,探討改變加工參數(如物料粗細度、模具溫 度及螺軸轉速等因子)。對於擠壓產品之澱粉消化率與物理特性所造成之影響。 本研究以單軸擠壓機加工飼料玉米,探討改變加工參數(如物料粗細度、模具溫 度及螺軸轉速等因子)。對於擠壓產品之澱粉消化率與物理特性所造成之影響。 本研究所得之結果如下: (1) 物料粗細度對於擠壓產品澱粉消化率與物理特性影響非常顯著。 (2) 於粗物料擠壓產品方面,模具溫度於140℃時,其最佳之澱粉消化率、膨發 率及最大之比容積。當模具溫度上升時則產品剪切力隨之下降。當螺軸轉速 增加時,產品剪切力隨之增加,而澱粉消化率、膨發率及比容積則隨之下降。 (3) 於細物料擠壓產品方面,當模具溫度上升時,產品之膨發率、剪切力及比容 積等物理特性均隨之下降,對於澱粉消化率則無顯著影響。螺軸轉速增加時, 澱粉消化率及比容積隨之增加,而膨發率及剪切力等,則隨之減少。 |
英文摘要 | Many functions such as separation of feed material, improvement of mouth- feeling andnutrient of feed, enhancement of the digestiblity and utilization, elimmination of the proison.ousingredients, and increasement of the storage period are known of feed processing operation. Feed corn was used as the raw material in studying the effects of process variables onthe starch digestibility and physical properties for single-screw extrusion system. The processvariables were particle size, die temperature, and screw speed. Experimental results showed that: (1) Particle size had strong effects on the starch digestibility and physical properties offeed corn extrudates. (2) For the extrudates of 10 mesh material, the maximum starch digestibility, expansionratio, and speefic volume occurred at 140 ℃ die temperature. Increasing the die temperature decreased the extrudate's shear force. However, increasing the screw speed lifted the extrudate'sshear force; but decreased the extrudate's starch digestibility, expansion ratio, and speefic volume. (3) For the extrudates of 18 mesh feed particle, increasing the die temperature decreasedthe extrudate's expansion ratio, shear force, speefic volume. There were no significant effectsbetween extrudate's starch digestibility and die temperature. Increasing the screw speed raisedextrudate's starch digestibility and speefic volume; but reduced the extrudate's expansion ratioand shear force. |