題 名 | 飼料蛋白質量對高產泌乳母豬和其仔豬性能之影響 |
作 者 | 顏宏達; 鄭清森; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 169 1995.03[民84.03] |
頁 次 | 頁145-153 |
分類號 | 437.111 |
關鍵詞 | 飼料蛋白質; 高產泌乳母豬; 仔豬; 性能; Dietary protein; Prolific lactating sow; Piglet; Performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 利用73頭約克夏母豬(24頭初產和49頭二產或三產母豬)依其產次逢機分配於三種蛋白質處理組。試驗飼料以玉米、大豆粕及麩皮調整用量使其蛋白質含量分別為12.8、14.8和6.9%以及離銨酸分析值分別為0.59、0.74和0.89%。母豬由分娩後至28天離乳期間任食飼養。在分娩後24小時內調整仔豬,使每窩仔豬數固定在8-10頭。在懷孕期間和離乳後,母豬每日採食蛋白質12.3%懷孕期飼料2㎏。試驗結果顯示,所有測定項目均無母豬產次和飼料蛋白質間之交互作用。飼料蛋白質用量在12.8至16.8%並不影響母豬飼料採食量、體重和背脂變化,但產次則極顯著影響(P<0.01)上述測定項目。飼料蛋白質用量有提高窩增重和仔豬每日增重之趨勢,並顯著(P<0.05)影響下產次的活仔豬數。離乳至再配種間距在初產和經產母豬分別是11.5和5.9日,但均不受蛋白質用量之影響。試驗結果顯示,高產(哺育9-10仔豬)泌乳母豬需要蛋白質14.8%飼料(其離胺酸為0.74%),初產和經產母豬每日至少需要5.0和6.0kg飼料(消化能3.35Mcal/kg)以達最佳的窩增重和下產次之繁殖性能。 |
英文摘要 | Seventy-three Yorkshire sows (24 primiparous and 49 second-and third-parity sows) were allotted into three dietary protein treatments according to parity at parturition. Experimental diet were formulated with corn-soybean meal and wheat bran to contain 12.8, 14.8, and 16.8%crude protein. Analyzed lysine content of diets was 0.59, 0.74, and 9.89%. Sowswere fed at ad libitum basis to their assigned diets from the day of postpartum to weaning at 28 days. Pigs were crossfostered, irrespective of dietary treatment, until day 1 postpartum. The litter size was standardized to 8-10 pigs. During pregnancy and post weaning, sows received 2.0kg/day of a 12.3% CP gestation diet. The result showed that the sow parity and dietary protein interaction was not significant for any of the response variables measured. Dietary protein concentrations between 12.8 and 16.8% did not influence voluntary feed intake, lactational weight or backfat changes of sows, but parity did. The dietary protein tended to increase litter weight gain and piglet daily gain and significantly (P<0.05) improved pig born alive of the subsequent litter. Postweaning interval to estrus were 11.5 and 5.9 days for primiparous and multiparous sows, respectively, and unaffected by dietary protein. Our data suggest that the lactating sows nursing 9-10 piglets required 14.8% crude protein with 0.74% lysine,and consumed at least 5.0 and 6.0kg of feed daily (containing 3.35 Mcal DE/kg) for primiparous and multiparous sows to maximize litter gain and subsequent reproductive performance. |