題 名 | 紅豆新品種高雄6號之育成 |
作 者 | 徐錦泉; 陳玉如; 林招蓮; | 書刊名 | 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 6:1 1994.12[民83.12] |
頁 次 | 頁14-29 |
分類號 | 434.12 |
關鍵詞 | 紅豆; 育種; 品種; Adzuki bean; Breeding; Variety; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 紅豆新品種「高雄6號」係利用雜交育種方法,以改進產量、農藝性狀及品質為目標, 於民國71年秋,用壽小豆及高雄5號(品系代號KS542)為親本進行雜交, 經後代分離選拔,74年秋從株行試驗中選入為優良品系,以KA71-02-329為代號參加各級試驗, 包括75~77 年品系產量試驗及白粉病抗性檢定,78~80年區域試驗及加工適合性測定,81年經新品系試作、撒播密度及肥料施用量等試驗後即完成育種程序,並於82年12月27日,經農林廳審查通過命名。高雄6號植株高約41公分,比高雄5號略高,最低莢位離地面14公分以上,不徒長、落葉性佳,可利用機械收穫, 亦適於稻田裡作省工不整地撒播栽培,子實產量每公頃2,000~3,300公斤,比高雄5號增產約7~17%,種粒也顯著大於高雄5號,平均千粒重約150公克,且加工適合性及豆餡品質均佳,頗符消費需求。 本品種適應於台南及高屏地區秋作或秋裡作栽培,尤其是以往種高雄5號植株過矮,不便於機械收穫的地區,以高雄6號來取代更為適宜。因此,紅豆高雄6號的育成推廣,預期將更有助於擴展栽培區域,降低生產成本,並提升省產紅豆品質,以確保紅豆產業的持續發展。 |
英文摘要 | In order to improve the seed yield、 seed quality and agronomic traits of adzuki bean cultivars that are acceptable for producers、processors and consumers, Kaohsiung DAIS does its endeavor to carryout the breeding program by means of hybridization, and a new adzuki bean variety Kaohsiung No.6 was released to farmers in 1993. Kaohsiung No.6 was selected from the cross combination between Kotobuki Shiozu and KS542, it was crossed in the fall-wintr crop of 1982, and the superior line KA71-02-329 was selected in 1985. After several yield trials and tests for powdery mildew resistance, planting density and fertilizer responses, the strain was finally named as Kaohsiung No.6 on December 27, 1993. Kaohsiung No.6 is adapted for fall-winter crop in Kaohsiung, Pingtung and Tainan areas, the seed yield was in the range of 2,000~3,300kg/ha, which is 7%~17%higher than the check cultivar Kaohsiung No.5. The new variety has two superior characteristics to check variety, including taller plant height and uniform defoliate at mature stage, in terms of combine harvest. Thus Kaohsiung No.6 is suitable for both labor-saving cultural practices and combine harvest. In addition, the seed qualities such as seed size、 seed coat color and bean paste processing suitability are accepted both by the processors and consumers. |