- 應用線性規劃分析近10年來臺灣農業機械化之發展
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題 名 | 應用線性規劃分析近10年來臺灣農業機械化之發展 |
作 者 | 葉維煜; 張森富; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 40:3 1994.09[民83.09] |
頁 次 | 頁43-56 |
分類號 | 434.25 |
關鍵詞 | 農業機械化; 線性規劃; Agricultural mechanization; Linear programming; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文應用線性規劃模式分析近十年來臺灣農業機械化之發展趨勢,並利用"機械化潛力"及"機械利用率"兩指標來量度機械化概況以及是否過度投資。 自民國70年以後,水稻作業幾乎已完全機械化,即其機械化潛力值已達100%,甚或超過。因此,本文著重於"機械利用率"之分析,以探討機械是否過度投資。靈敏度分析方面,則以油料及人力上不同比例之短缺,探討其對農機最佳利用以及農耕作業成本之影響。根據分析結果可得近年來柴油短缺較技工短缺對成本之影響較大。 在每公頃成本分析方面,對整地而言,中南部每公頃成本約為2500元左右,北部及東部則約為4000元;對插秧而言,本省各地區每公頃約為3500元;對收穫而言,則約為4320元;對乾燥而言,北、中、南部每公頃成本約為2000元左右,東部則較高約為3000元。 另外,隨著農業機械化之發展,雖然臺灣本島各地區之稻作面積逐年地淢少,其農作成本亦相對地降低;以全島而言,從事上述四種田間作業,民國70年之每公頃生產成本新臺幣18300元降至民國80年之14400元。 根據分析,本省農業機械化之發展趨勢係朝向高作業能力之農業機械發展,小型農業機械逐漸被淘汰。 本文雖以分析稻作機械化為主,但其模式仍可應用在其它作物機械化作業之研究上。另外,靈敏度分析方面,則可以增加對目標函數之耕作成本變化以及限制條件各種係數之變化加以討論,將可得更佳之結果。 |
英文摘要 | A linear programming model is applied for analysis of recent 10-year Taiwan's agricultural mechanization development trend in this study." Mechanization potential" and "Machinery utilization ratio" are two indices used for measurements of mechanization extent and if machines are over invested. Since 1981, rice farming has been almost fully mechanized, that is the mechanization potential reaches 100% or even higher. Therefore, a special attention is paid on machinery utilization ratio analysis for investigation of whether machine investments are over. As related to sensitivity analysis, different shortages of fuels and technical labors are used for obtaining optimal machinery utilizations results and its impact on farming costs. Farming cost analysis results are summarized as follows: 1.For land preparation, the cost is around NT$2500/ha in central and southern Taiwan and NT$4000/ha in the other regions. 2.For rice transplantation, the cost is around NT$3500/ha islandwide. 3.For rice harvesting the cost is around NT$4300/ha islandwide. 4.For rice drying, the cost is around NT$3000/ha in eastern Taiwan and NT$2000/ha any where else. As the rapid development of agricultural mechanization in Taiwan even with a gradual decrease of rice acreage, the total rice farming costs of the above mentioned four operations are still reduced from NT$18300/ha in 1981 to NT$14400/ha in 1991 based on 1991 money value. From the trend of agricultural mechanization development in Taiwan, we can see that small scaled farm machines are displaced by large-scaled and high performance ones in local markets. Although analysis of rice mechanization is the main subject in this study, the model developed still can be applied for mechanization analysis of other field crops. Besides, in sensitivity analysis, the change of farming costs in the objective function and coefficients in the constraint functions can be added in future studies for obtaining better results. |