- 男性中老年人膝關節之等速肌力研究
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- 膝關節等速肌力測試加速時間測量之研究
題 名 | 男性中老年人膝關節之等速肌力研究 |
作 者 | 陳昭瑩; 柴惠敏; 賴金鑫; 詹美華; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 19:2 1994.09[民83.09] |
頁 次 | 頁116-125 |
分類號 | 418.92 |
關鍵詞 | 老年人; 肌力; 膝關節; Elderly; Muscle strength; Knee joint; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在於評估我國健康的中老年人膝關節之肌力與肌耐力,並比 較其與年輕人間之差異。本研究受試者之中、老年組的來源為民國八十一年在台 大醫院接受健康檢查者,選取年齡在40-49歲者為中年組,60-69歲者為老年組, 而青年組為台灣大學非運動員的學生與台大醫院的住院醫師年齡在20-29歲間之 志願者,每組各10人。選取標準為男性、能通過下肢肌肉骨骼傷害篩檢(lower quarter screening examination)、過去半年內無下肢或背部疼痛者、且每週運動不超 過4小時者。本研究以Cybex 350等速肌力儀測試受試者之膝部等速肌力,測試速 度為名速度60,180,240°/sec。本研究結果所得之結論如下:(1)我國健康男性膝關 節之等速肌力的最高力矩值或最高力矩值與體重之百分比值(PT/BW)均受年齡影 響,隨著年齡增長,相對地等速肌力減小。因此臨床上評估肌力恢復時慣用之 PT/BW值並不適用於各年齡層。(2)等速肌力的雙腳差值、膝屈肌與膝伸肌最高等 速肌力之比值、肌耐力值並不會隨年齡的增加而出現變化,是臨床擬定治療計畫 時很好之參考標準。(3)我國健康中年男性膝伸肌肌力約為青年男性的85-95.老 年男性則迅速降至青年男性之65-75。在膝屈肌肌力方面,中年男性與青年男性 近似,而老年組則降為青年組的75-85。(4)各年齡層膝伸肌與膝屈肌的肌耐力值 均極類似,在55-65之間。(中華物療誌1994;19(2)116-125) |
英文摘要 | Clinically, isokinetic dynamometer hasbeen increasingly used to evaluate andstrengthen muscle performance in past thirtyyears. In Taiwan, normative isokinetic strengthdata has been established by many investigators.However, these investigations are generallyfocused on athletes and young persons. Therefore, improving our understanding of agedpeople in isokinetic muscle performance isneeded. The purpose of this study were (1) toprovide clinicians with data on the isokineticstrength and endurance of knee extensor andflexor muscles in three age groups: 20-29 yearsold, 40-49 years old, 60-69 years old, (2) tocompare the differences of knee extensor andflexor strength and endurance among thosethree age groups. Thirty healthy male subjectswithout any neurological or orthopaedic disorders participated this study. The subjects werecategorized into three groups. Each group had10 subjects. The mean age of group one was23.4 years, group two was 44.3 years, andgroup three was 62.6 years. The muscle strengthof bilateral quadriceps and hamstrings were assessed with Cybex 350 isokinetic dynamometerat the speed of 60, 240°/sec with 5 repetitionsand endurance test were assessed at the speed of180° /sec with 25 repetitions. The results re vealed that age had an significant effect on thepeak torque (PT) and peak torque to bodyweight ratio (PT/BW). The old-age group hadsignificant decreasing of PT and PT/BW thanmiddle-age and young group. The PT of kneeextensor in middle-age was 85-95 of theyoung group, and the PT of knee extensor inold-age was 65-75 of the young proup. Inflexor, PT of the middle-age was similar to theyoung group, and the old-age group was 75-85 of the young group. Deficits were definedas the differences between bilateral legs dividedby PT of dominant sides. Endurance ratio wasdefined as mean work of the first five contractions divided by the mean work of the last fivecontractions. There were no significant differences in deficits, hamstring to quadriceps ratios(H/Q), and endurance ratio between three agegroups. It was concluded that the deficit, H/Qand endurance test were not affected by age. Itis recommended that PT and PT/BW are notsuitable to use as base-line data in clinic forolder patients. However, the values of the deficit, H/Q and endurance test will provide betterbase-lines for evaluating and goal setting inolder patients with knee disabilities. (JPTAROC 1994;19(2):116-125) |