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題 名 | 油條中的油脂組成及植物固醇之分析 |
作 者 | 陳昭雄; |
書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 19:3 1994.07[民83.07] |
頁 次 | 頁295-308 |
分類號 | 411.38 |
關鍵詞 | 油條; 油脂; 脂肪酸; 植物固醇; 自氧化; Fried bread-sticks; Lipid; Fatty acid; Phytosterol; Autoxidation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的為瞭解油條中之油脂組成及植物固醇之存在情形,以提出有關研究類似油條之油炸物中可能存在油脂氧化及植物固醇氧化產物之方法。對新鮮黃豆油、油炸第二小時及第五小時的油條中抽出粗油油脂分析結果發現,其脂肪酸組成未有明顯的差異。以矽膠管柱分離取得三酸甘油酯的脂肪酸分析發現,油炸第二小時及第五小時油條之油脂其亞油酸的含量由新鮮黃豆油中的54.19分別降為41.30及40.56。次油酸的含量由新鮮黃豆油中的6.82分別降為2.53及2.02。 以薄層層析-火燄離子化檢出儀分析三種油脂中的三酸甘油脂與極性部分之相對含量時,發現新鮮黃豆油、油炸第二小時及第五小時的油條抽出油中的極性成份分別佔油脂重量的4.53、8.40和21.17。新鮮黃豆油、油炸第二小時及第五小時的油條中油脂其亞油酸與軟脂酸之比值分別為5.94、3.61和1.39。三種油脂的紫外光233nm吸光值分別為1.599、2.149和2.474。由探討油脂氧化程度指標值之結果發現,亞油酸與軟脂酸之比值及紫外光233nm吸光值皆能顯示油脂氧化程度之變化。 在探討三種油脂中之植物固醇含量時,得知油炸第五小時及第二小時油條中油脂之植物固醇(Campesterol、Stigmasterol和β-SitoSterol)皆略低於新鮮黃豆油中所含者。在此油條條件下,可能已發生此類植物固醇分子之自氧化反應。 |
英文摘要 | The objectives of this study were to determine the composition of fatty acidin the extracted lipids the existence of phytosterol in fried bread-sticks (FBS) and to provide a method in proving the oxidation of lipids and autoxidation ofphytosterol process may exist in FBS. Results indicated that fatty acid composition of the soybean oil and extracted lipids from FBS in the 2nd and 5th frying hour were identical. By using the column chromatography method in separating triacyigly cerol from these lipids, it was found that linoleic acid content reducedfrom 54.19 to 41.30 and to 40.56 in the 2nd and 5th frying hour, respectively. The linolenic acid content also reduced from 6.82 to 2.53 and to 2.02, respectively at the end of 2 and 5 frying hours. The relative content of polar portion by the method of thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detector (TLC-FID) in soybean oil and extracted lipids of FBS in the 2nd and 5th frying hour was 4.53, 8.40 and 21.17, respectively. The ratio between linoleic acid, palmitic acid from the soybean oil and extractedlipids of FBS in the 2nd and 5th frying hour was 5.94, 3.61 and 1.39, respectively. The UV 233 nm absorbance of these lipids was 1.599, 2.149 and 2.474, respectively. By observing the ratio between linoleic acid, palmitic acid andabsorbance of 233 nm, the results could also indicate the changes of oxidationprocess. The content of phytosterol in lipids were -Uso analyzed in this study. It was found the content of campesterol, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol in extrctedlipids of FBS in the 2nd and 5th frying hour were lower than that of soybean oil. Based on the results of this study, the phytosterol autoxidized process may haveoccurred under the high temperature frying operation process. |