題 名 | 栽培密度對大小粒型落花生農藝性狀、乾物質生產分配與再分配的影響 |
作 者 | 李瑞興; 侯金日; | 書刊名 | 嘉義農專學報 |
卷 期 | 36 1994.02[民83.02] |
頁 次 | 頁13-27 |
分類號 | 434.257 |
關鍵詞 | 分配; 生產; 栽培密度; 乾物質; 落花生; 農藝性狀; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在1991年秋作及1992年春作以大粒型品種台南11號及小粒型品種台南 選9號在行距35公分,株距12、10及8公分(不作畦)三種密度下進行試驗,探討密 植對落花生農藝性狀、乾物質生產分配與再分配的影響,結果如下:1.台南選9號 在秋作之單位面積莢果產量及單位面積籽粒產量隨密度之提高而增加,但春作則 不隨密度之提高而增加;台南11號在春、秋兩期作之單位面積莢果產量及籽粒產 量均不隨密度之提高而增加。兩型品種一般春作均有較高之產量。2.兩型品種, 隨著植株密度提高,植冠的初期發育較快,較早達到最高CGB。在最高CGR、最 大LAI期及最大PFR期之LAI與密度反應不一致;兩型品種各期之UL R除秋作台南 11號之ULR隨密度之升高而增加外,其餘均因密度之升高ULR有降低之趨勢。3. 兩型品種結莢前預貯於營養器官內之可移性物質對莢果充實其有稍許貢獻。於秋 作在始莢前所蓄積的乾物質轉移到莢果的比例以高密度時較多,在春作對密度無 明顯之反應。台南11號現行同化物貢獻於莢果生長的量,在秋作為63~93,春作 為83~94,台南選9號在秋作為70~93,春作為62~82。 |
英文摘要 | In the fall crop of 1991 and the spring crop of 1992, two peanut cultivarsdiffering in seed size were seeded with different intra-row spacings to determine theeffect of plant density on the agronomic characters, dry matter distributions and redistributions. Generally, the pod yield of both cultivars in the spring crop was higher thanthose in the fall crop. Pod and kernel yield of Tainan S.9 (small seed type culdvar)per unit land increased with increasing plant density in fall crop, but was no difference when plant density was increased in the spring crop. Pod and kernel yieldof Tainan 11 (large seed type cultivar) per unit land was not increased with increasing plant density in the spring and the fall crop. In both cultivars, early canopydevelopment was hastened and maximum crop growth rate was reached earlier whenplant density increased. Leaf area index (LAI) of both cultivars at the stage ofmaximum CGR, at the stage of maximum LAI, and the stage of maxmum PFRwere not increased with increasing plant density. The relationship of ULR and plantdensity of Tainan 11 was increased with increasing plant density in the fall crop.But, the relationship of ULR and plant density of Taiwan 11 in the spring, andTainan S.9 in both the spring and the fall crop were different. Pre-podding assimilates which stored in vegetative organs had some contributions to final pod yield. The proportion of pre- podding assimilates translocated topod in two cultivars were higher when plant density was increased in the fall crop. Contradictory, the proportion of pre-podding assimilates translocated to pod wasnot changed when plant density was increased in the spring crop. Current assimilates fixed during pod filling stage of Tainan 11 contributed 83-94 and 63-93 tofinal pod yield in both the spring and the fall seasons respectively. Current assimilates fixed during pod filling stage of Tainan S.9, contributed (62-82 and 70-93)to the final pod yield in both the spring and the fall crop, respectively. |