- 有系統與無系統護理指導對小兒科加護病房病童父母親的影響
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- Comparison of Intensive Care of Injured Children between Pediatric-based and Non-pediatric-based Intensive Care Units in a University Hospital in Taiwan
- 系統性護理指導對腸造口病童照顧者的影響
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- Pediatric Risk of Mortality: An Assessment of Its Performance in a University Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- 個別性護理指導對初產婦新生兒照顧認知及母親自信度成效之探討
題 名 | 有系統與無系統護理指導對小兒科加護病房病童父母親的影響 |
作 者 | 曾勤緩; 陳月枝; | 書刊名 | 護理新象 |
卷 期 | 3:3=23 1993.03[民82.03] |
頁 次 | 頁151-167 |
分類號 | 419.75 |
關鍵詞 | 護理指導; 小兒科加護病房; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在於探討有系統與無系統的護理指導對降低小兒科加護 病房病童父母親焦慮的影響。 研究係採準實驗法,資料收集時間為民國78年12月到79年9月,對照組的父母親 其三十人,其病童於民國79年2月至79年4月住院治療;實驗組的父母親亦其三十 人,其病童於民國79年6月至79年8月住院治療。 病童父母親的焦慮來源為:陌生的環境、缺乏病情的解釋、治療需求的了解、病 童的清潔與舒適及護理人員的支持系統等五個層面。 實驗方法是以手冊、座談會、開放性會客方式及個人面談等;有系統地增進父母 親對病童醫療過程之了解並減輕具焦慮。資料收集是用問卷方法;由研究者與父 母親面談,其目的是了解護理人員所給予的指導內容及父母親感受到的幫忙程 度。 本研究的結果顯示,父母親對小兒科加護病房醫護照顧的認識是有限的,有系統 的護理指導可增加父母親對病童的病情治療方針及護理人員支持系統的了解,因 而減輕父母親的焦慮。 本研究結果可供臨床護理人員提高護理服務品質的參考。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of the study is to explosure structured and unstructured nursinginstruction in alleviating anxiety in parents of patients in the Pediatric IntensiveCare Unit (PICU). A quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Data were collected fromDecember 1989 to September 1990. The control group consisted of 30 parents ofpatients in the PICU from February 1990 to April 1990. The experimental groupalso consisted of 30 parents of patients in the PICU from June 1990 to August1990. The source of parents anxiety includes 5 aspects: Strange of the environment,lack of explanation of patient's clinical condition, lack of undestanding oftreatments in progress, lack of understanding about the nursing care and thenursing support system involved. Handbook, pamphlet, conference, open interview in experimental group toprovide systemic opportunities in understanding care of their child and to alleviateanxiety in parents of patients. Data were collected through questionnairecompleted by means of interviewing with parents by researcher. The purpose ofstudy is to understand the contents of nursing instruction and to feel the depthabout the feeling from our help. The results show that knowledge of parents about the care of their children inthe PICU was limited. Structured nursing instruction could enhance parent'sunderstanding about the environment, treatment and nursing care and, thus,alleviate their anxiety. The results of our study can be a reference to nursing care in the clinicalsetting to promote quality care. |