- 水筆仔紅樹林的昆蟲
- 水筆仔紅樹林的昆蟲
- Reduced Toxicity of Cu and Zn to Mangrove Seedlings (Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce.) in Saline Environments
- Salt Tolerance in Seedlings of the Mangrove Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce, Rhizophoraceae
- Effect of Tonicity and Additives to the Fixative on Ultrastructure of Mesophyllous Cells in Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce(Rhizophoraceae)
- The Ecogeography of Kandelia candel in Thailand, Hong Kong and Southern Islands of Japan
- Nitrogen Nutritional Status and Fate of Applied N in Mangrove Solis
- 臺南縣將軍溪口紅樹林生態區真菌相之初探
- Nutrient Contents, δ丨C and δ[fee4]N during Leaf Senescence in the Mangrove, Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce
- 朴子溪海茄苳與水筆仔生育地之土壤性質