- 較早期與較晚期胃癌病人之血液淋巴球次群及免疫蛋白之比較
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- The Significance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antibody, Antigen 60 IgG in Patients with Abnormal Chest Radiography
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- 血液癌症及其他疾病骨髓與末稍血液中免疫球蛋白量之比較
- Intraluminal Mucin Pool in Mucinous Gastric Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report
題 名 | 較早期與較晚期胃癌病人之血液淋巴球次群及免疫蛋白之比較 |
作 者 | 李政昌; 林炳文; 黃士銘; 曹朝榮; 賴鴻緒; 張金堅; | 書刊名 | 中華民國外科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 26:3 民82.05-06 |
頁 次 | 頁1752-1758 |
分類號 | 415.145 |
關鍵詞 | 淋巴球次群; 血液; 免疫蛋白; 胃癌; 免疫球蛋白; 幫助性細胞; 誘導性細胞; 抑制性細胞; 噬細胞性細胞; 自然殺手細胞; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 24位胃癌病人依1984年,UICC,AJC及JJC聯合提出之最新分期,第一期病人6人,第二期6人,第三期5人,第四期7人;因病人人數不多,又分為較早期12人【第一期+第二期】,較晚期12人【第三期+第四期】。這些病人及25位正常人(對照組)於術前抽取靜脈末稍血,測定其淋巴球次群( Lymphocyte subpopulation )的百分比。另外,其中的位胃癌病人(第一期+第二期共8人,第三期+第四期7人)及對照組亦抽血測定其免疫球蛋白(IgA,IgG,IgM)。我們發現,免疫球蛋白,各組之間,並無有意義差別。而在淋巴球次群方面,CD4+( Helper /lnducer,幫助性細胞/誘導性細胞)百分比,則患較晚期(尤其第四期)胃癌病人,呈有意義的下降。而CD8+( Suppressor / Cytotoxic cell,抑制性細胞/噬細胞性細胞)百分比,各期胃癌病人並無明顯區別。CD4+/CD8+則代表免疫力之狀況,則愈晚期病人有降低的趨勢。而自然殺手細胞的百分比,愈晚期,則呈有意義的增加。由本研究顯示,較晚期之胃癌病人,免疫力呈現減弱之現象。 |
英文摘要 | Twenty-four gastric cancer patients were classified into Stage I (six patients), Stage II (six patients),Stage III (five patients) and Stage IV (seven patients) in accordance with the system proposed by the Joint Meeting of the UICC, AJC and JJC, held in Hawaii in 1984. These patients were further grouped into an Earlier Stage Group (Stage I + Stage II) versus the More Advanced Stage Group (Stage III + Stage IV) to assist having more adequate samples. Serum lymphocyte subpopulations were examined in all patients before operation as well as in 25 normal healthy controls. Serum immunoglobulins were examined in 15 patients (8 from the Earlier Stage Group and 7 from the More Advanced Stage Group) and all normal control persons. No significant differences were noted in concentrations of serum immunoglobulins or in the percentage of suppressor /cytotoxic cell (CD8) in patients of any stage and the control group. The percentage of helperjinducer cell (CD4) and the ratio of CD4 / CD8 decreased significantly in the patients of the More Advanced Stage, while the percentage of natural killer cells increased significantly. It appeared that the immunity of gastric cancer patients decreased as the disease advanced. |