- 膝背屈現象與腦中風患者膝部慢速肌力表現
- Gain of Muscle Torque at Low and High Speed after Isokinetic Knee Strengthening Program in Healthy Young and Older Adults
- 膝關節等速運動周期中過渡期間加速度之機械分析
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- 膝關節手術後膝部肌力之表現
- 髖關節及膝關節角度對膝部肌力的影響
- 等速肌力測試--重力效應之量化與速度對重力效應之影響
- Isokinetic Study of Muscle Strength in Osteoarthritic Knees of Females
- 間歇式短波熱療對膝部骨性關節炎肌力與功能之影響
- 水適能運動與水中增強式訓練
第1筆 /總和 1 筆
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題 名 | 膝背屈現象與腦中風患者膝部慢速肌力表現 |
作 者 | 陳文玲; 鄭裕南; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 18:1 1993.03[民82.03] |
頁 次 | 頁49-57 |
分類號 | 416.29 |
關鍵詞 | 肌力; 腦中風; 膝背屈; 膝部; 膝背屈現象; 等速肌力測試; 偏癱患者; Genu recurvatum; Isokinetic Hemiplegia; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係利用CYBEX325等速肌力測試儀於臥姿針對16位腦中風患者 (實驗組6位,有膝背曲現象。對照組10位,無膝背屈現象)進行膝關節慢速肌力測 試(30 o/s)。目的在調查腦中風患者膝部肌力表現,包括尖峰力矩值與膝屈曲15o 之力矩值、及此二狀況下之患側膝部肌力缺損情形與膝關節拮抗肌比值,藉以進 一步探討其與步態中膝背屈現象之相關性。結果顯示無論是尖峰力矩值或膝屈曲 15o力矩值,實驗組與對照組間均無顯著差異,然而實驗組之患側膝直肌肌力缺 損情形顯著大於對照組。有關膝關節拮抗肌比值,實於組與對照組間並無顯著差 異。然就對照組而言,患側膝關節拮抗肌比值顯著小於健側。顯示無膝背屈者患 側膝直肌表現較好,雖無統計上意義,但可看出患側膝直肌偏弱可能是造成膝背 屈現象之因。(中華物療誌1993;18(1):49-57) |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to collect normative data of isokinetic knee flexor and extensor torque for both legs in stroke patients, andto identify the relationship between these dataand genu recurvatum phenomenon. Sixteen strokepatients with (n=6, study group) or without(n=10, control group) genu recurvatum performedisokinetic knee test at 30°/s for bilateral kneejoints by using CYBEX325 machine. The torquedata were recorded including peak torque(PTF.PTE), torque at knee flexion 15°(T15F,T15E), deficit of peak torque (D-PTF.D-PTE), deficit of torque at knee flexion 15° (D-T15F,D-T15E), hamstring-quadriceps ratio ofpeak torque for both knees (AHQ-PT.SHQ-PT),and hamstring-quadriceps ratio of torque at kneeflexion 15° for both knees (AHQ-T15.SHQ-T15).Several t-tests were applied to identify the differences between study group and control group.Several paired t-tests were applied to test the differences between deficits of peak torque anddeficits of torque at knee flexion 15°, and differences between harnstring-quadriceps ratios ofsound knee and that of affected knee. No significant differences on torque values existedbetween study and control group. Deficits oftorque in study group were found significantlygreater than those of control group except DT15F, and harnstring-quadriceps ratios of affectedleg were significantly smaller than that of soundleg in the control group. These findings suggested that although torque values between thestudy group and the control group showed nosignificant differences, the knee extensor inhemiparetic leg of the study group was relatively weaker than that of the control group.Rehabilitation programs to strengthen knee extensor in hemiparetic leg for patients with genurecurvatum might be emphasized. (JPTA ROC1993; 18(1): 49-57) |