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題 名 | 溫度效應下複合材料積層平板動態特性之實驗探討 |
作 者 | 楊名元; 宋貴銘; 黃萬成; | 書刊名 | 中正嶺學報 |
卷 期 | 21:2 1993.01[民82.01] |
頁 次 | 頁9-17 |
分類號 | 440.34 |
關鍵詞 | 平板; 溫度效應; 複合材料; 積層; 模態分析; 共振頻率; 高溫複合材料; Modal analysis; Resonant frequency; High temperature composites; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文使用敲擊法之模態分析技術,探討熱固性F3T-282/CSP及熱塑性 AS-4/APC-2等積層複合材料平板,在不同溫度下之模態參數,期建立在完全自由 邊界狀況下溫度櫃內模態測試的實驗程序,並從量測的頻率響應函數解析複合材 料積層平板之動態特性。在25℃至110℃之實驗溫度範圍內,發現溫度效應對熱 固性複材F3T-282/CSPI及熱塑性複材AS-4/APC-2之共振頻率有相反的增減趨 勢。另對熱固性F3T-282/CSPI及熱塑性AS-4/APC-2[(0/90)�窟s等複合材料積層平 板主共振頻率影響很小;然而對熱塑性AS-4/APC-2[(0/±45/90)�珠s複合材料而 言。其共振頻率隨溫度上升而增加。不同振態之自然頻率亦受溫度影響,但其變 化關係無固定趨勢。另外,其阻尼值隨振態數增加而呈鋸齒狀分佈,而共振態阻 尼值之最大值落在基頻處。 |
英文摘要 | This paper describes an experimental modal analysis that was conducted on laminatedcomposite plates F3T-282/CSPI and AS-4/APC-2 using an impact form of excitation. Themain aim of this study was to investigate the variation of the modal parameters undervarious temperatures, and establish an experimental procedure for modal testing within anenvironmental chamber under free-free boundary condition, and extract the modal information of laminated composite plates from measured frequency response functions. From theexperimental results we found that temperature has little effect on the natural frequencyofthermosetting F3T-282/CSPI and thermoplastic AS-4/APC-2 [(0/90)�窟s laminated composite plates while the temperature changing from 25℃ to 110℃. But for thermoplasticAS-4/APC-2 [(0/± 45/90)�砥js laminated composites plates, the resonant frequency increaseswith increasing temperature condition. The associated natural frequency of each mode wasvaried with temperature variation, but the variations were randomly distributed betweenmode shapes. In addition, it was found that the damping level showed zigzag distribution aseach mode increased and the maximum damping ratio took place at fundamental frequency. |