題 名 | 大學工程倫理課程型態與課題規劃之調查 |
作 者 | 王晃三; 陳雪惠; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 21 1992.12[民81.12] |
頁 次 | 頁159-166 |
分類號 | 525.44 |
關鍵詞 | 大學; 工程倫理課程; 工程教育; 教學設計; 專業倫理; Engineering education; Professional ethics; Course design; Engineering ethics; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 近數十年來,我國科技的快速發展帶來諸多社會衝擊,固有的道德價值體系之解構已經隱然浮現,有識之士莫不引以為憂。為此,第四次全國科技會議曾有推動大學院校「科技倫理」與「工程倫理」的教育與研究之結論。 在推動工程倫理教育的過程中,許多問題常會被問起。除了一些對倫理與倫理教育的有關認知與態度的問題外,尚有一些諸如:教學年級與教師身份的定位、教育方式與開課型態、及教學課題的選擇等問題有待回答。 本文之目的在回答上述有關工程倫理課程型態與課題規割的問題,我們以各大學院校工程教師為對象,以問卷調查的方式,收集了工程教師對工程倫理課程安排的相關意見。利用頻次分析、加權平均分析、正準相關分析、因素分析等統計方法進行深入而完整的分析。並取得一些重要的結論,可以做為進一步規劃課程的重要參考依據,有助於發展一套切合我國社會背景與教育環境的工程倫理課程之設計。 |
英文摘要 | The fast development of science and technology over the past decades has brought in a great social impact to this country. The signs of deterioration of our long treasured cultural and moral system begins to emerge. Deep concern on this issue has been expressed by many professionals. A conclusion was reached in the nation's latest Science & Technology Symposium calling for promotion of education on ethics in science, technology and engineering. It the process of promoting education of engineering ethics, many questions are often asked. Other than the cognitive and attitude questions regarding ethics and ethics eduction, there are also questions waiting to be answered. such as stage of student's program, professional background of instructors, elective of required, approach of education, topics to be covered etc. It is the purpose of this paper to disc1ose the answers of the above mentioned questions with respect to the nature and topics coverage of a engineering ethics course. Toward this aim, we collected, through a questionnaire, the opinions of the engineering faculty members of universities and colleges in Taiwan. The statistical methods including frequency analysis, aggregated index analysis, canonical correlation analysis, factor analysis are employed. The important conclusions drawn thereupon becomes a substantial reference and basis for further design of an engineering ethics course which fits the social background and also the educational environment of this country. |