- 臺灣大企業組織結構三構面間之相關性
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- Corporate Culture, Organizational Structures, and Management Styles for Taiwanese, American, and Japanese Firms: An Empirical Investigation in Taiwan
- Relationships between Corporate Culture, Organizational Structure, Management Style and Business Performance: A Comparative Study of American, Japanese and Taiwanese Firms
題 名 | 臺灣大企業組織結構三構面間之相關性 |
作 者 | 李經遠; | 書刊名 | 交大管理學報 |
卷 期 | 12:1 1992.12[民81.12] |
頁 次 | 頁79-100 |
分類號 | 553.92 |
關鍵詞 | 分配; 企業; 行業; 問卷; 統計; 組織; 規模; 結構; 臺灣; 樣本; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以臺灣製造業前五百大及服務業前三百大為對象,調查分析其組織結構,並考慮到規模、科技、組織專業度,與中國式管理諸因素的影響,得出下列結果:(1)複雜性與集中性之間,高專業組織始有明顯的負相關,越是低專業組織此種關係越不明顯。顯示由於低專業組織的複雜性純係來自規模的擴大,而非專業知識的複雜,故高集中管理仍然可能。(2)複雜性與正式性之間,根據理論,高專業組織呈負相關,低專業組織呈正相關。此就我國服務業言,確係如此。然而在製造業卻不成立,原因為何,仍待繼續研究。(3)低專業組織正式性與集中性之間,具有正的相關性。此點在我國大企業的製造業方面是正確的,在服務業方面則顯因服務業的性質與規模,以及中國企業高集中低正式的傾向所影響,故並未呈劕正相關。 |
英文摘要 | This research is based on the Taiwan top 500 firms in manufacturing industry and 300 firms in service industry. after investigating and analizing their organizational structure by considering some special factors like size, technology, professional level, and local management style etc., the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The negative correlation between complexity and centralization is valid only in high professional organizations. (2) The following statement is true only in service industry: There are negative correlation between complexity and formalization in high professional organizations; and positive correlation in low professional organizations. (3) The positive correlation between formalization and centralization in low professional organization is valid only in manufacturing industry. |