題 名 | 泌乳母豬飼料中添加不同脂肪量對母豬和仔豬性能之影響 |
作 者 | 鄭清森; 許振忠; 顏宏達; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 159 1992.09[民81.09] |
頁 次 | 頁91-99 |
分類號 | 437.654 |
關鍵詞 | 仔豬; 母豬; 性能; 泌乳; 脂肪量; 添加; 飼料; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 利用二品種(LY或YL)雜交母豬74頭(初產35頭和二產39頭),逢機分配於對照組和三種不同量脂肪添加組。對照組為基礎飼料(粗蛋白質16%和消化能3.36 Mcal/kg)和三種脂肪添加組為基礎飼料分別再額外添加3、6或9%脂肪。試驗母豬固定其哺育仔豬數(初產母豬有8頭和二產母豬有9頭仔豬)。28天泌乳期間每日餵料二次,飲水任食。 試驗結果顯示,飼料中添加脂肪有降低母豬每日飼料採食量之趨勢,但顯著增加每日消化能攝取量(P<0.05)。母豬泌乳期間飼料中添加不同量脂肪對其失重和背脂損失、仔豬四週齡平均體重和每日增重、以及母豬離乳後發情配種間距和下產次仔豬頭數均未有顯著的差異,但隨著脂肪添加量之增加四週齡仔豬頭數和存活率顯著地(P<0.05)呈直線提高,四週齡仔豬窩重和窩增重則極顯著地(P<0.01)呈直線提高。至於產次間的差異,二產次母豬之飼料採食量、消化能攝取量、四週齡仔豬頭數、窩重和出生窩重極顯著地(P<0.01)優於初產母豬。二產次母豬之哺乳仔豬每日增重顯著地(P<0.05)比初產次快。二產次母豬哺乳仔豬之存活率、出生平均體重和四週齡平均體重有較佳之趨勢,但不同產次間差異不顯著。母豬離乳後至發情或配種間距和下產次出生仔豬頭數,產次間未有顯著的差別。 |
英文摘要 | Seventy-four Landrace and Yorkshire crossbred sows (35 primiparous and 39 second-parity sows) were allotted into four dietary treatment groups according to parity at parturition. One group of sows continued receiving the control diet until the end of lactation; the other groups were fed one of three diets containing on additional 3, 6 or 9% dietary fat. The control diet contained 3.36 Mcal per kg of digestible energy and 16% crude protein. Litter size was standardized to 8 piglets and 9 piglets in the primiparous and second-parity sows, respectively. All diets were provided twice per day and water given ad libitum during the 28-day lactation. The experimental results indicated that dietary additions of fat tended to reduce daily feed intake but increased (P<0.05) digestible energy intake for lactating sows. Number of piglets and survival-to-weaning increased with increasing dietary fat level during lactation (linear, P<0.05). Increasing fat level in the diet resulted in a linear (P<0.01) increase in overall litter weight gain. But weight loss and backfat change of sows, piglet weight and daily gain at weaning, interval from weaning to estrus or conception, and number of piglets on subsequent parity were not significantly different among treatments of dietary fat levels. Second-parity sows tended to have a greater digestible energy and feed intake during lactation (P<0.01). Litter size, weight weaned, and litter birth weight were greater (P<0.01) for second than primary parity sows. The average daily gain of piglets was better (P<0.05) for second rather than primary parity sows. Although not significantly different, there was a superior trend toward survival, average body weight at birth, and avaerage body weight at weaning. Interval from weaning to estrus and conception and number of piglets on subsequent parity were not significantly different between parities. |