- Effect of Urea Application and Soil Amendemnts on Yield and Nutrient Content of Rice Crop and Fertitlity of Paddy Soils in Taiwan
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題 名 | Effect of Urea Application and Soil Amendemnts on Yield and Nutrient Content of Rice Crop and Fertitlity of Paddy Soils in Taiwan=臺灣水田土壤在施用尿素及土壤改良劑下對水稻產量及養分含量與土壤肥力之影響 |
作 者 | 莊作權; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 159 1992.09[民81.09] |
頁 次 | 頁61-74 |
分類號 | 432.235 |
關鍵詞 | 土壤; 土壤改良劑; 水田; 水稻; 含量; 尿素; 肥力; 施用; 產量; 臺灣; 養分; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | USG深施提高氮素回收率及稻谷產量之效果,以一期稻優於二期稻,一期稻谷增產量可達13%,氮回收率最高可達77%;二期稻谷增產量最高僅有3%(屏東新埤),而氮回收率最高亦只有41%。 二期作USG深施在含有膨脹性粘土礦物之臺中土壤其稻谷增產量最高可達18%,氮肥回收率在30%-71%之間,皆優於不含膨脹性粘土礦物之屏東新埤試區,後者稻谷增產為3%,及氮肥回收率在8%-41%之間。 施用稻穀亦可提高氮肥回收率,同時增加植體氮鉀含量因而提高稻谷產量,二期作施用之效益,平均增加谷產量8%,大於一期作之增加4%。彰化竹塘一期作加施稻穀者,紋枯病減輕,而谷產量可增加9%以上。 屏東新埤試區無論一二期水稻施用爐渣後,谷產量有顯著下降之現象,而臺中、彰化兩試區有增產之趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | Increase N recovery % and grain yield upon USG deep placement, the first rice crop was superioir than the second rice crop. For the rice crop, grain yield increased up to 13%, while N recoverry % increased up to 77%. However, it was found that grain yield of the second rice crop only increased about 3% at Pingtung Experiment Site, while the N recovery rate increased about 41%, lower than that of the first crop by 36%. The effect of USG deep placement on grain yield and N recovery rate found highly significant in Taichung soils, the grain yield increased by 18% and N recovery rate increased from 30% to 71%. At Pingtung Experiment site, grain yield only increased by 3% and N recovery rate also increase from 8% to 41%. a high pH (7.4) at Pingtung field may cause a higher loss of NH₃ and higher O.M. (4.4%) may reduce the response of applied N fertilizer to the yield. The coarse texture of Taichung soil also related to the higher N recovery rate. Increasing the fertilizer efficiency of USG deep placement may be partly attributed to the higher ammonium adsorptive nature due to the existence of expanding clay minerals in soils. In that case, Taichung soil has a higher amount of expanding clay minerals. This may explain why higher N recovery rate of USG deep placement at Taichung siteg and lower at Pingtung site. Application of rice husk increased not only with increasing N recovery rate, but also increased with uptake of N and K by rice plant. As respond to the grain yield, it increased about 9% for the second rice crop, and 4% for the first rice crop in general. The use of rice husk also depressed banded sclerotial disease of rice crop plant which in turn increased grain yield by 9% at Changhua Site. Based on our results, response of grain yield increase by application of rice husk was much significant than the use of slag. In Pingtung, use of slag even casued slightly yield decline. But with use of slag combined with rice husk, it significantly reduced the tendency of grain yield decline. |