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題 名 | 臨床使用﹣﹣大氣壓純氧或高壓氧安全性之組織病理評估 |
作 者 | 李安仁; | 書刊名 | 醫學研究 |
卷 期 | 12:6 1992.05[民81.05] |
頁 次 | 頁392-397 |
分類號 | 418.992 |
關鍵詞 | 大氣壓純氧; 安全性; 病理; 高壓氧; 組織; 臨床; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗是探討大氣壓純氧作連續性呼吸,或以高壓氧作間歇性而長時間之治療時對生物體器官組織造成傷害的研究。本實驗分為二部份;第一部份取20隻天竺鼠(2隻對照組及18隻實驗組),對照組於空氣中飼養96小時後犧牲解剖,實驗組則置於氧氣濃度大於95%之密閉壓克力箱中,於第24及48小時後分別取2隻犧牲解剖。之後則於天竺鼠出現呼吸困難或全身痙攣時,再取下腦、肺、肝、腎等作光學顯微鏡病理切片檢查。第二部份亦取20隻天竺鼠使其間歇性暴露於2.5大氣壓純氧100分鐘,一組一天一次,另一組一天二次,總共暴露30次後,犧牲解剖取下腦、肺、肝、腎作光學顯微鏡病理切片,與第一部份對照組作比較。結果顯示:連續使用一大氣壓純氧24及48小時,皆未有臨床症狀出現,且組織切片亦無病理變化。但在60小時以上,則出現呼吸困難,甚或死亡之肺部氧氣中毒中毒症狀,病理切片顯示肺部有堅實化,嚴重充血,血管旁及支氣管旁水腫,肝臟有充血及小葉性壞死,腎臟亦有充血現象。以間歇性使用2.5大氣壓之高壓氧100分鐘,不論每天一次或一天二次連續30次後,20隻天竺鼠皆無氧氣中毒症狀出現,且病理切片顯示,肺、肝、腦、腎皆無變化。 |
英文摘要 | This study evaluated the histopathological changes for guinea pigs with continuous exposure in 1 ATA 100% oxygen or intermittent exposure in hyperbaric oxygen. In the first part of this study, 20 guinea pigs were used (2 for control and 18 for experiment). The experimental animals were placed in an acrylic box filled with pure oxygen and sacrificed after 24 hr, 48 hr, or more than 60 hr. In the second part, 20 guinea pigs were intermittently exposed to 2.5 ATA 100% oxygen for 100 min, either once or twice a day for a total of 30 sessions in an animal hyperbaric chamber. After sacrifice, the brain, lung, liver and kidney were sent for the histopathological examinations and compared with that of control group. The results showed that for those animals exposed to pure oxygen for more than 60 hr, there were evidences of pulmonary oxygen toxicit-dyspnea or death. The histopathological examinations revealed severe congestion and diffuse alveolar damage of lung, congestion and lobular necrosis of liver, and congestion of kidney. However, the oxygen toxicity and histopathological changes in the second part of the experimental animals were not observed in this study. |