- Differential Relationship of Work Stress to Mental Ill-Health and Job Dissatisfaction among Nursing Professionals
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題 名 | Differential Relationship of Work Stress to Mental Ill-Health and Job Dissatisfaction among Nursing Professionals=護士的工作壓力及其與心理健康和工作滿足感的差別關係 |
作 者 | 梅錦榮; | 書刊名 | 中華心理學刊 |
卷 期 | 33 1991[民80.] |
頁 次 | 頁77-86 |
分類號 | 419.91 |
關鍵詞 | 護士; 工作壓力; 心理健康; 工作滿足感; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的,在於識別護理工作壓力的某本因子,並探討這些因子與心理健康和工作滿足感的關係。研究樣本是年齡介於 20至 57歲的專業護士(N= 1024) 。通過問卷調崟所收集的資料,經主因子分析後,抽取了可解釋總變異暈 64.2%的 12個基本因子,其中以工作過重和變動的工作量爲護士感到壓力最大的因子。此外,醫生不在病房時所產生的不確定感,亦被評定爲極具威脅性的壓力來源。不過心理問題和工作上的不滿足感,實際上可源自不同類型的工作壓力。資料顯示部份壓力因子,雖然可導致心理問題的出視,却未必造成工作上的不滿足感,反之亦然。此發現表明了在評估工作壓力所造成的損害時,宜採用較全面的評估準則。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this empirical study are (a) to identify the basic factors of stress in nursing and (b) to examine what specific stressors are related to mental ill-health and job dissatisfaction. Results of the principal component analysis of data on 1024 nurses revealed 12 basic stress factors which accounted for 64.2% of the total variance. Among these stress factors, work overload and fluctuation of work load were rated most stressful. Feelings of uncertainty in doctor's absence was another source of stress rated relatively threatening. In general, perceived level of work stress and percentage of total life stress resulting from work were found to be positively related to mental ill-health and job dissatisfaction. However, certain stress factors were found to correlate differentially with mental ill-health and job dissatisfaction. Implications of these findings for future research in occupational stress were discussed. |