- The Eden in Othello
- 莎劇「表演評論」裡的文化觀察: 種族偏見如何影響「奧賽羅」的表演
- 使徒保羅的拯救觀
- A Post-Colonial Reading of Othello: An Example of White Men's Artifice Inscribed on the Black Man's Body
- A Cross-Cultural Study of “The Garden of Eden” and “The Garden of the Spectacular View” in Some Eastern and Western Novels
- Sign, Ensign, and Design: Interpretation and Tragedy in Othello
- 均衡的力量--莎士比亞悲劇中女角的解析
- 海明威雜碎:評《伊甸園》
- 《伊甸園》--海明威未譜完的三角戀曲
- 試擬伊甸園中美語 (詩語) 的衍生