- Determination of the Stability of Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Thiosulfate in Aqueous Solution by HPLC
- Fluorescence Dosimetry Using Aqueous Coumarin Solution
- Ceftizoxime Sodium與Ranitidine HCl於5%葡萄糖靜脈注射輸送液中化學安定性之研究
- Stability of a Nonaqueous Ibuprofen Preparation
- Chemical Stabilities of Cefazolin Sodium and Ranitidine Hydrochloride in 5﹪ Dextrose Injection
- Chemical Stabilities of Cefmetazole Sodium and Ranitidine HCl in 5℅ Dextrose Injection
- Stability of a Nonaqueous lbuprofen Preparation
- 應用酵素結合免疫吸附試驗 (ELISA)測定豬肺炎黴漿菌疫苗之抗原特性 (2):Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae抗原在酸性環境、不同溫度及其他條件下的安定性
- 阿托平水溶液之安定性
- 藉矽膠二氧化錳吸附管柱分離水溶液中鍶90及其放射活性之測定