- Combined Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Chlorine Decay in Sea Water--A Modelling Approach
- The Effects of Residual Chlorine, Temperatures and Salinities on the Mortality of Larval Milkfish Chanos chanos
- Physical and Bio-Optical In-Situ Measurement Study on the Sewage Ocean Outfall Plume
- 以鹽度與溫度控制Chlorella Minutissima淡水與海水株綠球藻之長鏈不飽和脂肪酸產量及成份
- Fluid Inclusions of the Lead-Zinc Quartz Veins, Chinmienshan, Toucheng
- Salt Tolerance in Seedlings of the Mangrove Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce, Rhizophoraceae
- Planktonic Foraminiferal Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean: A High-Resolution Record MD962085 of the Past 400,000 Years from the IMAGES Ⅱ-NAUSICAA Cruise
- Analysis of Scleractinian Distribution in Taiwan Indicating a Pattern Congruent with Sea Surface Temperatures and Currents: Examples from Acropora and Faviidae Corals
- 以氟化鈣∕碘化鈉磷光質層疊偵檢器探討鍶90- 釔90貝他在鋁、聚氯乙烯、麥拉和聚乙烯等介質之衰減
- 鹽分對欖李苗木水分狀態、葉綠素螢光反應與細胞活性之影響