題 名 | 骨性關節炎病因之探討 |
作 者 | 詹美華; 林永福; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 13 1988.09[民77.09] |
頁 次 | 頁47-53 |
分類號 | 416.61 |
關鍵詞 | 病因; 骨性; 探討; 關節炎; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 作者自民國74年7月至77年2月在台北市立中興醫院膝部特別門診的患 者中,根據X光顯示關節間隙狹窄、骨質硬化及骨刺現象者,再配合臨床症狀, 身體檢查的徵候,選出83人次,列為研究骨性關節炎病因的對象。男性佔19人次, 女性佔64人次;而雙膝同時罹患退化性關節炎者有23人次,其中女性佔了21人次。 顯示退化性關節炎的患者女性居多。小於30歲的患者僅5位,佔全部的6.02;反之, 大於45歲的患者共有58位,佔全部的69.88,顯示年紀大者罹患率高,年歲的增加, 退化性關節炎的比率會逐漸增高。 83位患者中,體重超越「肥胖」標準者有52位(62.65),其中女性患者佔了44位 (84.62),統計上是有意義的差別(P<0.05),顯示「肥胖」和「女性」兩個因子,是 促成退化性關節炎的重要因素。 職業和日常生活上膝關節的使用量亦會影響骨性關節炎的罹患率。輕工作者僅佔 25.30,但活動多或重工作者卻佔了74.70。活動多,關節周圍組織受到傷害的機 率也較高,因此也較易導致退化性關節炎的併發症。 外傷在文獻上雖常被列為造成骨性關節炎的危險因素,但在本文中卻未顯示出此 種趨向。 |
英文摘要 | From 1985 July to 1988 Feb., 83 patients ofosteoarthritis knee were studied In the Dept ofOrthopaedic Surgery. 'There were 19 males and64 females. Among them, 23 patients (21 ♀)involved both knees. In term of age, there wereonly 5 patients under 30 years old (6.02). Incontrary, there were 58 patients who were morethan 45 of age (69.88). It is obvious that thedegenerated osteoarthritis is more common inthe aged. Fifity-two patients were obese in this series(62.65), and there were 44 females (84.62)and 8 males. There is no statistically significantdiffernece (P<0.05). Therefore,' we can make a conclusion that the obese females are easier toget the osteoarthritic knee. The pattern of daily activity living alsoaffected the formation of degenerated arthritis.74.7 of the total subjects were laborers orhyperactive career. 25.3 of them did lightwork. In those labor workers, the higherincidence to get injury of soft tissue or joint,the more popularity to get degenerated arthritis. Many ahtuors concerned that the historyof trauma was a major facotr to causedegenerated arthritis, but we couldn't demonstratethe relationship between the trauma factor andthe incidence of osteoarthritis from this study. |