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題 名 | 膝部骨性關節炎醫療照護成效量表之發展=Development of Outcome Measurement Instrument for Quantifying th Effectiveness of Medical Care of Knee Osteoarthritis |
作 者 | 楊淑雅; 馬素華; 許光宏; 吳基銓; | 書刊名 | 護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 48:3 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁44-54 |
分類號 | 416.61 |
關鍵詞 | 醫療照護成效量表; 膝部骨性關節炎; 健康相關生活品質; 效度; 信度; Outcome measurement instrument for medical care; Knee osteoarthritis; Health-related quality of life; Validity; Reliability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的旨在發展膝部骨性關節炎醫療照護成效量表與建立量表之 信、效度。本量表以健康生活品質為概念,著重於膝部骨性關節炎對病患生活各 功能層面之影響,採取文獻分析與參考國內、外相關七份問卷方式,擬定量表初 稿。初稿經專家與病人意見修改後,正式施測於膝部骨性關節炎患者。研究方法 採橫斷與縱貫調查法,以採立意取樣方式,於某教學醫院門診,共訪視111位膝 部骨性關節炎患者。結果顯示,在建構效度的因素分析,經主軸分析與直接斜交 轉軸後,量表保留35題,萃取出五個因素,分別是A疼痛B、A日常活動與症狀B、 A行動功能B、A情緒功能B與A社會參與功能B等,總解釋變異量為52.34%;另外 在口服glucosamine前後測中,量表中五個次量表皆達顯著改善(p < .01)。在效標關 聯效度方面,膝部骨性關節炎醫療照護成效量表之A疼痛B次量表與疼痛視覺類 比量表之相關係數為0.73(p < .000),膝部骨性關節炎醫療照護成效量表之A日常 活動與症狀B次量表與膝關節嚴重指標之相關係數為0.80(p < .000),皆達高度相 關,顯示此量表具良好的建構效度與效標關聯效度。而各次量表之內在一致性信 度(Cronbach's 嵾 )介於0.79—0.90,顯示此量表具有良好之內在一致性信度。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to develop an outcome measurement instrument for knee osteoarthritis and demonstrate its ability to evaluate different interventions in the medical care of knee osteoarthritis. Developed out of concerns over health-related quality of life, the instrument assesses dimensions of functional status in patients with knee osteoarthritis. A literature review was first performed, followed by seven questionnaires being submitted to knee osteoarthritis, and then review by an expert and lay panel. A cross-sectional and longitudinal survey design was used. A purposive sample was taken from 111 patients with knee osteoarthritis, who were recruited from outpatient services in a medical center. Principal-axis factor analysis with direct oblimin rotation generated a thirty-five item, 5-factor structure, namely pain, activities of daily living and symptoms, mobility function, emotional function and social participation function, accounting for 52.34% of the total variance. Comparison with the group who had taken glucosamine medication revealed longitudinal changes in the instrument total and five subscale scores (p<.01). With respect to criterion-related validity, the 烢ain?subscale of the instrument was significantly correlated with the pain-visual analog scale (r=.73, p<.000 ). In addition, the 浾ctivities of daily living and symptoms?subscale of the instrument were significantly correlated with the Index of Severity for Osteoarthritis of the Knee (r=.80, p<.000 ). The internal consistency reliability established by Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.79 to 0.90. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the outcome measurement instrument for the medical care of knee osteoarthritis developed in this paper is reliable and valid. |