題 名 | 臺北市學童過敏病: 11年間之變化 |
作 者 | 呂克桓; 謝貴雄; | 書刊名 | 中華民國小兒科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 29:2 民77.03-04 |
頁 次 | 頁104-109 |
分類號 | 417.596 |
關鍵詞 | 過敏病; 臺北; 學童; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著社會的進步,過敏病有逐漸增多的趨勢。爲瞭解目前臺灣地區過敏病發生的情形,而從事本次調查,並和11年前(民國63年)的調查結果作比較。63年調查人數男生11,481名,女生12,197名,共23,678名;74年調查人數男生72,466名,女生74,907名,共147,393名。結果發現:(1)氣喘流行率,無論男女都有顯著增加,63年氣喘病流行率男性學童1.45%,女性學童1.15%;74年男性學童5.99%,女性學童4.17%,11年間約增加4倍。(2)不管男女,氣喘病發生率隨著年齡之增長而減少,過敏性鼻炎則無此現象。(3)74年過敏性鼻炎流行率男性學童9.91%,女性學童6.14%,比氣喘高出甚多。(4)63年調查結果顯示異們位性濕疹之男女平均流行率爲1.53%,蕁麻疹爲2.84%;74年異位性濕疹爲1.20%,蕁麻疹爲2.15%,兩次之調查結果沒有差異。兩次調查均發現氣喘病童49.15%合併過敏性鼻炎,12.15%合併有濕疹,11.17%合併有蕁麻診,28.36%有氣喘家族史;過敏性鼻炎病童5.87%合併有濕診,17.22%合併有蕁麻疹,56.86%有過敏性鼻炎家族史;濕診病童17.22%合併有蕁麻疹,3.82%有濕疹家族史。以上結果顯示臺灣地區氣喘病顯著增加,而且目前氣喘病和過敏性鼻炎之發生率已和歐美諸國並駕齊驅。 |
英文摘要 | Allergic diseases are multifactorial in etiology, and increase in both incidence and severity has been reported repeately in the last few decades. This study was conducted to see whether there is also a simily trend in Taiwan. In 1985, questionnaires were sent to school children of two each of primary school and junior high school selected randomly from every district of Taipei city. The questionnaires were filled up by parents and analysed by physicians trained in allergy. A total of 147,393 questionnaires were considered to be well answered and could be used for analysis. There were 72,466 males and 74,907 females with the age ranged from 7 to 15 years. The results were then compared to those obtained in a similar survey in 1974 which was conducted by one of the authors (KHH) involved in the present study. The results showed: (1) The prevalence of bronchial asthma for boys was 1.45% in 1974 and 5.99% in 1985; 1.15% in 1974 and 4.17% in 1985 for girls. The increase was nearly 4-fold for both boys and girls during the past 11 years; (2) Regardless of sex, the prevalence of bronchial asthma decreased when the age increased; (3) The prevalence of allergic rhinitis (1985) was 9.91% for boys and 6.14% for girls; and (4) There was no difference in the prevalence of atopic eczema and urticaria between boys and girls and the results obtained in these two surveys were nearly the same. The average prevalence of atopic eczema was 1.53% in 1974 and 1.20% in 1985; that of urticaria was 2.84% in 1974 and 2.15% in 1985. Thus respiratory allergic diseaees, especially bronchial asthma, increase markedly in school children in Taiwan during the past 11 years, and the prevalence now approaches to those of western countries. |