- 草蝦肌纖維球蛋白功能特性之研究(I):草蝦肌纖維ATPase活性之生化特性及溫度安定性
- 草蝦肌纖維球蛋白功能特性之研究(1):草蝦肌纖維ATPase活性之生化特性及溫度安定性
- 加壓與加熱對豬肉蛋白質熱變性的影響
- 草蝦多酚氧化酶同功異構酶之生化特性
- 肌纖維類型的轉變及其運動適應
- The Mean Kinetic Temperature and Relative Humidity for Drugs and Products Stability Testing in Taiwan
- Effect of Storage Temperatures on Biochemical and Rheological Properties of Natural Actomyosin Extracted from Pork Loin
- 外界溫度對4.2吋迫砲彈塑膠筒內彈藥安全性能分析
- The Criterion of Critical Runaway and Stable Temperatures in the Decomposition Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide
- 溫度對大白鼠肌纖維傳導速度之影響