- 臺灣北部拖網漁場中之下雜魚資源研究(I):漁獲比例、種類組成、體長頻度分佈、體長與體重關係
- 東港小型拖網漁船漁獲下雜魚之種類組成及漁獲率研究
- Larval Fish Composition, Distribution and Assemblages by Scientific Sounder from Eight Stations off Northeastern Taiwan
- Age Structure of Spotted Mackerel, Scomber australasicus, in the Coastal Waters of Taiwan as Estimated From polymodal Length-Frequency Analysis
- 臺灣北部地區觀光遊憩資源的空間分佈與遊憩需求空間系統
- 臺灣北部拖網漁場底魚資源試驗調查
- 臺灣北部拖網漁場頭足類及甲殼類資源研究
- 臺灣北部拖網漁場底魚資源試驗調查
- Species Composition and Distribution of Fish Larvae and Juveniles in the Waters off Northeastern Taiwan in Spring 2005 with Particular Reference to Mackerel and Scad
- Body Length, Weight, and Condition Factor of Pacific Saury (Cololabis Saira) from the Landed Size-classes of Taiwanese Catch in Comparison with Japanese Statistics