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題 名 | 東港小型拖網漁船漁獲下雜魚之種類組成及漁獲率研究=Studies on the Composition and Catching Rate of Trash Fishes by Small Trawlers of Tungkang in Taiwan |
作 者 | 吳春基; 林俊辰; 黃朝盛; 謝勝雄; 蘇偉成; | 書刊名 | 水產研究 |
卷 期 | 12:1 2004.06[民93.06] |
頁 次 | 頁11-23 |
分類號 | 439.23 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣西南海域; 拖網漁業; 下雜魚; 種類組成; 漁獲率; Southwestern waters of Taiwan; Trawl fishery; Trash fishes; Species composition; Catch rate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究所使用之下雜魚類標本係於 1999 年,按月前往屏東縣東港地區,自小型拖網標本船抽樣採集。標本船全年之總漁獲量中,下雜魚佔有相當高的漁獲比率,達40.1 %。而在下雜魚之總漁獲量中,魚類佔77.3 %。下雜魚之種類組成中,計有魚類106科327種、蝦類14科45種、異尾類1科5種、蟹類5科24種及頭足類5科6種。魚類以?科及?科的18種最多;蝦類以對蝦科的9種最多;蟹類以梭子蟹的13種最多;頭足類則以鎖管科的2種居首。白帶魚則週年均有漁獲。下雜魚中的魚類以100 m以淺及250 m以深之水域漁獲較多。由重要魚種之體長組成的分析結果,得知大部分的下雜魚均因體型過小即被捕撈,而此現象主要導因於拖網漁具之網目過小所致。 |
英文摘要 | Trash fishes were sampled monthly from small trawlers of Tungkang operating in the southwestern waters of Taiwan from January to December 1999. Trash fishes accounted for 40.1% of the total trawl landings in Tungkang. Trash species could be divided into the 2 main categories of economic and non-economic fish species. The catch rate of finfish species in trash fishes was 77.3%. Trash species were identified as 327 species belonging to 106 families for fish, 45 species of 14 families for shrimp, 5 species of 1 family for anomurans, 24 species of 5 families for crabs, and 6 species of 5 families for squid. The dominant organisms among the trash fish were of the Scorpaenidae and Bothidae (18 species) for teleosts, Penaeidae (9 species) for shrimp, Portunidae (13 species) for crab, and Loliginidae (2 species) for squid. Trichiurus lepturus was annually caught by small trawlers in Tungkang. Most of the fish comprising the trash fishes were caught in waters shallower than 100 m and deeper than 250 m in depth. From an analysis of body sizes of some important species in this study, it was concluded that most of these trash fishes are too small for exploitation. This phenomenon can be explained by the small mesh sizes of trawl nets used by the trawlers. |