題 名 | S-P 表分析 (Student-Problem Chart analysis) 在學習診斷的應用法及其實作感受之探究 |
作 者 | 陳騰祥; | 書刊名 | 輔導學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1986.03[民75.03] |
頁 次 | 頁275-311 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 學習診斷; 應用法; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的要旨,在於探究S-P表在學習診斷上的應用方法及其實作的感受度差異情形,俾便提供國民中小學改進學習評鑑技術之參考。 本研究採文獻探討法與行動研究法,期能探求S-P表分析的作表、解釋、及判讀等手續,並從S.D法,亦即意義微分法上探究對S-P表的感受度之差異情形。 本研究的結果,發現S-P表分析對學生得分及試題答對率的分佈曲線,即可早期發現應加注意或應加檢討的對象,進而實施進一步的診斷與輔導。 本研究從意義微分法 (S.D法) 的調查結果,均顯示有相當積極的肯定的接納感受度, 並且在各項目上及全體上,均已達統計的顯著水準。 本研究的受調查對象,經過十節課的學習與實作,均能完成S-P表分析的作表、解釋及判斷,並將其應用在學習診斷。 本研究之後,仍覺尚待探討的課題:計有S-P表分析理論的探討,S-P表在各種評鑑資料的應用,以及使用微電腦處理S-P的程式與操作方法,均將予以繼續研究,期能使本研究更達臻善的境地。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the application method of S-P Chart and the difference of appreciation level received after treatment. Hopefully, it could provide guidelines for the improvement of evaluation program for elementary and secondary school. The study adopted the approach of action research, searched the procedures f or the design, interpretation, and judgement of S-P Chart, while by the use of Semantic Differential Method, attempted to understand the differences of appreciation level received. It was found that S-P Chart's use in analyzing the curve of gained points, together with correct response rate, could early predict the specific students who needed help. By the use of the results of S D Method showed poesitive confirmation of the acceptance level. On every item and on the whole, all reached statistical significance level. The subjects of this study, after 10 sessions of study and pratice, could complete the drawing, interpreting, and judging of S-P Chart, and in the mean while, applying it in learning diagnosis. In the future, there are needed research in: (1) formulation of S-P Chart theory, and (2) application of S-P Chart in obtaining various evaluative data. The author shall continue to further studies in these two areas. |