- Effects of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on The Absorption of Phosphorus, Growth and Yield in Corn and Soybean
- 不同種類磷肥下內生菌根菌對玉米生長及磷、鋅吸收的影響
- Growth and Yield Responses of Soybean to Direct Incorporation of Corn Residues
- Effects of Corn Residues on the Subsequent Soybean Crops
- 低酸化磷肥對水稻及玉米生長及產量之影響
- Effects of Shielded Spray of Paraguat and Glyphosate on The Growth and Yield of Corn (Zea mays L.)
- 長期施用磷礦粉對酸性土壤磷酸能位及玉米生長的影響(3):內生菌根菌對磷肥殘效之影響
- 接種內生菌根對大豆生長、生產、固氮作用及礦物磷利用之效應
- 三種繡球屬內生菌根菌對矮性四季豆之生長與磷肥吸收的影響及菌根所利用的土 壤磷源
- 木瓜接種叢枝內生菌根菌對生長與產量之影響