- Standardization of Fishing Effort of the Taiwanese Pair trawl fishery off northern Australia
- 臺灣北部大寮層與石底層之沈積環境
- 宜蘭灣水團與臺灣北部陸棚水之關係
- The Year-Round Upwelling at the Shelf Break Near the Northern Tip of Taiwan as Evidenced by Chemical Hydrography
- 臺灣的氣候變化--氣溫和降水
- Diurnal Vertical Distribution of Ichthyoplankton in I-Lan Bay, NE Taiwan
- 臺灣北部拖網漁場中之下雜魚資源研究(I):漁獲比例、種類組成、體長頻度分佈、體長與體重關係
- Yield analysis of the groundfish resources in the Australian waters off north and northwestern Australia
- Geographic distribution of groundfish resources in the waters off northern and northwestern Australia
- General Review of Demersal Fish Resources in the Sunda Shelf and the Australian Waters