題 名 | 甘藷玉米低蛋白飼糧添加離胺酸及甲硫胺酸對生長肥育豬之影響 |
作 者 | 李邦淦; 楊榮芳; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 110 1980.06[民69.06] |
頁 次 | 頁50-60 |
關鍵詞 | 玉米; 甘藷; 生長肥育豬; 甲硫胺酸; 低蛋白飼糧; 離胺酸; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗目的,在加強利用甘藷自產飼料,並探討以甘藷與玉米相等量作為基礎熱能飼料,降低飼糧之粗蛋白質,補充合成離胺酸與甲硫胺酸,飼餵生長肥育豬,對發育、飼料利用率以及屠體性狀之影響,以期減低對玉米與大豆進口之依賴性,節省外匯,增進養豬業者的收益。 根據供試仔豬10胎40頭,分為四處理,經個別欄飼養100日測定結果,其在期末增重、飼料增重比率、屠宰率、屠體長度、背脂厚度、腰眼肌肉面積、後腿、背脊、前腿、肩胛、腹?、四分切、五分切重百分率,以及背最長肌之水分、粗蛋白質、粗脂肪、粗灰分含量之平均值,順次(A)粗蛋白質生長期16%肥育期13%對照飼糧為63.72kg,3.350,72.99%,77.90cm,3.42cm,29.75cm2,10.35%,9.92%,4.66%,4.21%,10.27%,29.51%,39.42%,69.84%,26.57%,6.52%,1.31%;(B)粗蛋白質生長期14%肥育期11%低蛋白飼糧為61.60kg,3.506,73.10%,76.60cm,23.29cm,29.23cm2,10.44%,9.24%,4.62%,4.55%,10.53%,28.97%,39.50%,70.22%,28.86%,5.73%,1.24%;(C)低蛋白飼糧+0.3%離胺酸為63.30kg,3.390,72.71%,76.25cm,3.36cm,28.39cm2,10.39%,9.53%,5.17%,4.27%,9.91%,29.36%,39.28%,68.35%,31.50%,6.57%,1.14%;(D)低蛋白飼糧+0.3%離胺酸+0.25%甲硫胺酸為63.30kg,3.370,77%,76.55cm,3.26cm,28.20cm2,10.30%,9.40%,5.30%,4.21%,10.33%,29.22%,39.55%,67.64%,31.21%,5.29%,1.27%。上述各項成績,分別經變量分析結果,除背脊一項處理間為P<0.05,有顯著差異外,其他各項處理間差異均不顯著。由此得知甘蔗玉米各半熱能基礎飼料之生長飼育豬飼糧,其在生長期及肥育期粗蛋白質含量,似均可減低2%,對於增重,飼效以及屠體性狀,尚無甚不良影響。又降低蛋白用量飼糧,而添加0.3%離胺酸或0.3%離胺酸及0.25%甲硫胺酸對豬隻增重飼料利用率及屠體品質,並無顯著改善之效。此或因供試各飼糧所含離胺酸及甲硫胺酸不足所致。 |
英文摘要 | Study was made to evaluate the effect of L-lysine with/without DL-methionine supplementation to the low protein (sweet potato and corn) diet on the growth, feed conversion and carcass quality of the growing-finishing pigs. Four male weaned pigs averaged at 27 kg each were selected from each of 10 litters of Y× L cross-breeds. The 40 pigs were then castrated and grouped into 4 according to body weight. The following treatments were employed: (a) Normal diet containing 16% and 13% crude protein for the growing and finishing stage, respectively; (b) Low protein diet containing 2% less CP content of the normal diet, i.e. 14% and 11%; (c) Low protein diet plus 0.3% L-lysines; and (d) Low protein diet plus 0.3% L-lysines and 0.25% DL-methionine. The pigs were housed in individual concrete-floored pens. Diets were given twice daily according to the scale feeding system and allowed free access to water at all times. Body weight and feed consumption for each pig were recorded at an interval of 20 days throughout 100 days of the trial. One half of the pigs from each treatment were slaughtered for carcass study at the end of the trial. Proximate analysis of the experiment diets was also made. The growth rate, feed conversion and carcass characteristics of the pigs under this study were presented in the tables 4 and 5. The analysis of variance of weight gain and feed gain ratio of the pigs among the 4 treatments all showed no significant difference from 20 days through 100 days of the feeding trial with the exception of the feed gain ratio of the pigs between (a) & (b) showing significant (P< 0.05) at 100 days of the feeding trial. All the carcass characteristics of the pigs among treatments showed no significant difference except the loin weight. From the above data, we found that crude protein level of the basal diet (sweet potato and corn) could be reduced about 2% for the pigs from growing through finishing period. There were no ill effects on their performance. The addition of 0.3% L-lysine with/without 0.25% DL-methionine to the low protein diet did not improve the performance of the pigs significantly. It was probably due to the insufficient lysine as well as methionine used for the feeding trial. |