- 生長肥育豬飼料中色胺酸和離胺酸適當比例之探討
- 補充吡啶羧酸鉻對於生長肥育豬的氮平衡、乾物質消化率和屠體特性之影響
- 減少過量日糧氨基酸對生長肥育豬性能表觀之影響:理想蛋白質概念之評價
- 生長肥育豬供餵油質、鉀、鎂元素對於生長表現、屠體特性和豬肉品質之影響,和豬隻供餵油菜籽、向日葵及大豆食料等影響研究
- 油菜籽餅粉對於生長肥育豬之營養價值
- 依據血漿执濃度評估生長肥育豬的蛋白質需要量
- 高濃度飼料補充酵素對生長肥育豬飼料換肉率與氮排出量的影響
- 飼料採食量、生長階段對賴氨酸需要的影響
- 生長肥育豬飼料添加乙基-麥芽酚對生長性能與屠體品質的影響
- 生長肥育豬飼料添加菲汀酵素混合物,以及飼料含豌豆原料處理組之影響生長表現和屠體性狀及營養素可利用力研究
題 名 | 生長肥育豬飼料中色胺酸和離胺酸適當比例之探討 |
作 者 | 游義德; 顏宏達; 吳繼芳; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 164 1993.12[民82.12] |
頁 次 | 頁78-88 |
分類號 | 437.654 |
關鍵詞 | 色胺酸/離胺酸比例; 生長肥育豬; Deodorizers; Growth performance; Odor reduction; Finishing pigs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 試驗目的在探討生長肥育豬達最佳生長性能時,飼料蛋白質中色胺酸與離胺酸間的最適當比例,並比較低蛋白質飼料補充非必需胺基酸和四種主要必需胺基酸是否與一般含等量粗蛋白質飼料有相同的飼豬效果。 試驗採用48頭體重20kg之生長豬(公母各半)逢機分配於色胺酸/離胺酸比例分別為16、18.5、20、22、24和26%(三組)之八種飼料處理中。處理1至處理6以玉米-大豆粕為主,粗蛋白質11.5%,並補充離、色、羥丁和甲硫胺酸四種必需胺基酸。處理7為處理6飼料補充上述四種必需胺基酸外,再補充麩胺酸以提高粗蛋白質量至15%,色胺酸/離胺酸比例為26。處理8為玉米-大豆粕飼料(對照組),粗蛋白質為15%,色胺酸/離胺酸比例亦為26。八種處理之可消化離胺酸、鈣、磷與消化能均相同,分別為0.6%、0.9%、0.5%與3,370kcal/kg。試驗並採用16頭體重40kg女豬逢機分配於上述八種飼料處理中,進行氮蓄積量測定。 試驗結果顯示,處理1至6,除肥育期(50-90kg)與全期(20-95kg)之每日增重與飼料換肉率有顯著(P<0.05)差異外,氮蓄積與屠體性能在統計上均無顯著差異存在。處理6、7與8之各項測試指標上均無顯著差異存在,但增重、飼料換肉率及氮蓄積方面,處理6均有較差的趨勢,而處理7和8之增重相同,顯示在粗蛋白質量差異3.5%的情況下,補充麩胺酸對增重似有改善的效果。處理1至6經迴歸分析結果顯示,在肥育期增重為Y,而分別以色胺酸/離胺酸比例,色胺酸在飼料的%,每日色胺酸攝取量為X值時,色胺酸/離胺酸比例分別為22.8、22.7與23.1。如以肥育期飼料換肉率為Y時,色胺酸/離胺酸比例分別為23.4、23.6與24.5,當以Bent-stick model為計算模式時,色胺酸/離胺酸比例介於20-24之間。故以玉米-大豆粕為基礎,降低粗蛋白質3.5%,再補充離胺酸、色胺酸、羥丁胺酸與甲硫胺酸以平衡需要時,從經濟的角度來看色胺酸/離胺酸適當比例為20。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of the trial were to evaluate the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratio for growing pigs and o investigate the effect of low protein diet supplemented with glutamic acid compared with a high protein diet on growth performances of growing pigs. Forty-eight growing pigs were randomly assigned to eight treatments with typtophan/lysine ratios of 16, 18.5, 20, 22, 24, and 26. Six diets (Treatments 1-6) were based on corn and soybean meal with the same nutrient composition (crude protein 11.5%, DE 3,370 kcal/kg, digestible lysine 0.60%) except tryptophan concentration. Crystalline lysine, threonine, and methionine were added to each of six diets. The other 2 diets with the same tryptophan/lysine ratio of 26 were (1) 3.5% glutamic acid added to the corn-soybean meal diet of treatment 6 to increase crude protein to 15% (Treatment 7) and (2) a corn-soybean meal diet formulated with 15% crude protein level (Treatment 8). Pigs were slaughtered after attaining a live weight of 95 kg and carcass characteristics were measured. Sixteen gilts (40 kg live weight) were twice randomly assigned to eight treatment diets as mentioned above, and fecal and urinal nitrogen measurements were taken to calculate nitrogen retention. The results revealed that daily gain and feed/gain ratio of Treatment 1-6 were different significantly (P<0.05) on finishers (50-90kg) and the whole period (20-95kg), but no differences could be seen for nitrogen retention or carcass characteristics. There were no significant differences in growth, carcass, or nitrogen response of pigs among Treatment 6-8, although the low protein diet with 3.5% glutamic acid supplement (Treatment 7) slightly improved daily gain. From the results of Treatment 1-6, regression analysis with Y as daily gain on finishing period, and X as tryptophan/lysine ratios, tryptophan %, or daily tryptophan intake, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratios for growing pigs were 22.8, 22.7, and 23.1, respectively. When Y was feed/gain ratio, and X was the same as mentioned above, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratios for growing pigs were 23.6, 23.6, and 22.5, respectively. With Y as daily gain of the whole period, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratios were 23.4, 23.3, and 24.6, respectively. Using Y as feed/gain ratio of the whole period, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratios were 23.4, 23.6. and 24.5, respectively. When "bent-stick" model was used to interpret the results, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratios ranged from 20 to 24. From an economic viewpoint, the optimum tryptophan/lysine ratio was 20. |