- 利用同遺傳質品系研究水稻早熟性基因之遺傳
- 水稻早熟性基因 E礼在不同遺傳背景品種之作用
- Mapping Fertility-restoring Genes of Rice WA Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Using SSLP Markers
- 水稻白葉枯病抗病性之全互交分析
- 水稻秧苗生育特性之遺傳育種研究(5)--矮性基因對秧苗根性狀之作用
- 水稻早抽穗E 基因與其加速作用m 基因間之交感及其異常變異的遺傳研究
- Analysis of Genes for Late-Heading in Rice
- 水稻幼苗期耐旱相關基因座DT12-L之圖譜定位
- Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Plant Height and Heading Date in Two Inter-Subspecific Crosses of Rice and Comparison Across Oryza Genus
- 利用水稻SSR分子標誌偵測影響米質的數量性狀基因座
題 名 | 利用同遺傳質品系研究水稻早熟性基因之遺傳 |
作 者 | 蔡國海; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 110 1980.06[民69.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-22 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 同遺傳質品系; 早熟性; 基因; 遺傳; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | ?稻台中65號為輪迴親,連續回交7次,育成其同遺傳質早熟品系A37與B967,前者攜帶原含於華北早熟?稻大同在來之早熟基因Ea,後者攜帶原含日本早熟稻坊主5號之早熟基因Eb。台中65號種子經放射線誘變之早熟品系I123(r線25KR)具有新誘發之早熟基因Er,I190(X線40 KR)具有新誘發之早熟基因Ex。初步觀察結果,此4個E基因,較台中65號提早抽穗約10日,促進幼穗分化作用之程度Ea≒Er≒Ex>Eb。A37與B967繼續回交台中65號至20次,I123與I190回交5次,再度比較結果,隨回交此數之增加,Ea,Er及Ex 3個基因減弱幼穗分化之促進作用,其程度Ex較著,而Eb加強促進作用,基因間作用之變化為不定向。此等早熟品系與台中65號雜交結果證實上述E基因皆為同座性,對其相對隱性基因e(台中65號)表示完全顯性,而E-e間雜種F2抽穗期早晚熟性變易雖尚適合於單性雜種分離比,不過,早晚熟兩邊緣植株觀察數較理論數嫌少,中間植株數偏多,證實E-e基因片段之部份交換。早熟品系互相間雜種F2抽穗期產生遺傳之變異,證明E基因座間之構造不盡相同,而為複合性質,至少可分為5個亞基因座,其中特定兩個在順式排列時始表現E基因之作用,其組換價為0.3乃至0.9%。經上述亞基因間所產生"合成E基因"與早熟品系所具"原E基因"之間,提早抽穗作用8日乃至11日之間,基因間之作用有顯著有意性差異存在,此兩種E基因間同樣產生遺傳之變異。除E基因之外,又以同遺傳質品系研究m基因之遺傳。E與m為獨立遺傳關係,ma原含於大同在來,mb原含坊主5號,而兩m基因為相對基因關係。m與E共存時,可促進E之抽穗作用7至24日,促進程度mb較ma稍為大,而第1期作較第2期作為著。當增加回交次數,加強Eb-m及Er-m間之交感作用,而減弱Ea-m及Ex-m間之交感作用。E基因座較純一性時,m與Ex間之交感作用程度較此與餘E基因間之交感作用延遲抽穗作用約5日至12日。此等E-m品系間,株高等農藝性狀,亦見有類似抽穗期同向之表現差異。"合成E基因"間同樣與m基因產生交感作用,惟依基因亦有不同表現。m基因與e基因共存時,第2期作不表現作用,而第1期作提早抽穗日數若干。本研究E基因座,係由若干具位置效果之偽似相對基因合成,經交換而不同於排列,終於形成同位相對基因群,經特殊檢定始可識別其作用。 |
英文摘要 | With the hope of overcoming the difficulties in the genetic study of quantitative characters in rice, isogenic lines with earliness genes were established by recurrent backcrossing continued to twenty generaetions. A pure line of a rice variety, Taichung 65 (abridged as T65) was exclusively used as the recurrent parent; two early maturing cultivars from northern China (A) and northern Japan (B), and two radiation-induced early-maturing mutant lines of T65 were each used as the donor parent. The earliness genes from different donor parents, Ea (from A), Eb (from B), Er (25 KR gemma-rays) and Ex (40 KR X-ray), were at the same locus proved by crossing experiments with those isogenic lines. They promote the heading of T65 by about ten days, and in the initial comparisons, those genes may be arranged in the order of promoting heading as follows: Ea≒Er≒Ex>Eb. Purification by back-crossing tended to reduce the heading-advancing effects of genes Ea, Er and Ex, but intensified the effect of Eb. When lines with different E alleles were intercrossed, the F1 plants showed dominanced in the direction of earliness slightly, and the F2 populations had large variances in the number of days required for heading, indicating that the E alleles are not identical even though they are similar. Evidence was produced showing that the E locus would be a region containing several recombinationary separable subloci and when the suballeles were combined in cis form complementation would restore the function of an E allele. Their recombination value among the fractions are estimated for 0.3% to 0.9%. Synthesized E alleles (from intercrosses among late-heading sib lines each having different sublocus of E locus) showed the similar heading-advancing effect, eight to eleven days, of the E genes but they are not identical. F2 populations between the E genes and synthesized ones also had genetic variations in heading dates. Further, isogenic lines having a modifier gene at an independent locus, m, were investigatd. When m was combined with E, it promoted the heading of E gene by about 7 to 24 days. mb (from B) promoting heading date more stronger than that of ma (from A). They are isoalleles between the two m genes. In Eb and Er, purification by back-crossing tended to increase the E-m epistatic effects, but reduce it in Ea and Ex, and the latter reduced it much compared with the other E alleles. The synthesized E alleles also had the epistatic effects with m, but they were differed according to the genes. When combined with e, the m gene had no effect in summer (sescond crop) season, but promoted heading several days in the winter (first crop) season. It may be concluded that the E locus comprised various gene sites with position effect constituting the isoallelic system, and gene interactions existed within the complex locus. |