- The Fine Structure of Thyrotrophs and Follicular Cells in the Adenohypophysis of the Golden Hamster
- Immunocytochemical Identification of Growth Hormone Cells in the Adenohypophysis of the Golden Hamster
- The Fine Structure of Gonadotrophs in the Adenohypophysis of the Golden Hamster
- The Fine Structure of Somatotrophs and Corticotrophs in the Adenohypophysis of the Golden Hamster
- The Fine Structure of Mammotrophs in the Adenohypophysis of the Golden Hamster
- 魚油在含膽固醇之飼料中提高倉鼠低密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度卻不改變肝臟低密度脂蛋白受體mRNA之表現
- Progesterone Facilitates Lordosis, but not Thrust, in Male Hamsters
- 大蒜及洋蒽對倉鼠降血脂及抗氧化作用之影響
- 電解鹼性水對倉鼠生長之影響
- Establishment and Characterization of a Cell Line (HCDB-1) Derived from a Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinoma Induced by DMBA and Taiwanese Betel Quid Extract