- Metabolic Effects of Femoro-Femoral Veno-Arterial Bypass Without Oxygenator
- 持續性及循環性全靜脈營養方式對大白鼠身體組成及肝臟功能的改變
- 抗血管攣縮藥物對大白鼠股動脈顯微吻合之影響
- Results of Angioscopy-Assisted Intraopereative Transluminal Angioplasty of the Iliac and Femoral Artery
- Neuroprotective Modulation of the Cerebral Hemodynamics and Brain Metabolism
- Combined Trabeculectomy and Extracapsular Cataract Extraction with Mitomycin C
- 生物體溫相關生理參數即時量測與分析系統
- Comparison of Cerebral Occiptal Gray and Parietal White Matter Metabolite Differences Using PRESS and STEAM at Different Echo Times
- 新生兒時期之新陳代謝疾病
- 與心肺復甦有關之新陳代謝因素