- 牡蠣:臺灣西南海岸最古老的傳統美食
- Chemical Composition of Taiwan's Oysters and Clams
- The Occurrence and Seasonal Variations of Na, K, Ca, Mg and Heavy Metals in Taiwan's Oysters and Clams
- 臺灣產牡蠣與文蛤之細菌數及大腸菌群數
- 蠔油醬的試製與品質改進(I):臺灣區牡蠣原料及市售蠔油醬之成分分析
- Species of Organotins in Imposex of Rock Shells and Hermaphroditic Oysters from the Western Coast of Taiwan
- 環境內分泌干擾物質:臺灣養殖地區牡蠣及蚵岩螺中有機錫物種之研究
- 四種水產動物(泥鰍、斑馬魚、牡蠣及文蛤)核型之探討
- 五種貝類鹼性磷酸酯酵素活性之比較研究
- Investigation of Zn, Cu, Cd and Hg Concentrations in the Oyster of Chi-ku, Tai-shi and Tapeng Bay, Southwestern Taiwan