- 省立教育學院愛德華個人興趣量表施測報告
- 師大學生在愛德華斯個人興趣量表反應上之研究
- 健行工專新生在愛德華斯個人興趣量表上反應的研究
- The Relationship between the Edwards Personal Preferences Schedule and Brainard Occupational Preference Inventory with College Guidance Major Students in Taiwan
- 探討醫師個人特質對選擇專科之影響
- 欣聞彰化省立教育學院今秋招生有感
- A Study of the Personal Preferences of Chinese University Students by Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
- 艾德華斯個人興趣量表與修訂石爾斯頓性格量表分數的因素分析及典型相關分析:多種量尺測驗之效度考驗的可行途徑
- 臺灣省立教育學院承中國輔導學會委辦本省中區公私立高級中等學校輔導研討會工作報告
- A Statistical Analysis of the Taiwan Provincial College of Education Test of English Proficiency