題 名 | Student Mental Health Problems in Two Differently Industrialized Cities=工業化程度相異兩地區之學生心理健康問題 |
作 者 | 柯永河; | 書刊名 | 中華心理學刊 |
卷 期 | 17 1975.12[民64.12] |
頁 次 | 頁25-38 |
關鍵詞 | 工業化; 學生; 心理健康問題; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討國家工業化對國民心理健康之影響。本研究將「工業化」與「都市化」視為意義相同之兩個概念 。筆者將「新式柯氏性格量表」實施於宜蘭市的高中(男校女校各一)與臺北市之高中(也是男校女校各一)。前兩校學生代表低工業化地區住民,而後兩校學生代表高度工業化地區住民。將兩市學生在柯氏性格量表上之得分分就男、女加以比較後,得到如下的結果:(1)高度工業化地域之女生的心理健康顯著地比低工業化地區之女生的心理健康為差;高度工業化地區女生比低工業化地區女生更易於感到憂鬱、忿怒、不滿。(2)高度工業化地區住民比低工業化地區住民較不會嚴格管制自己的錢、時間、及性與攻擊衝動的表達;前者也比後者更不關心別人對自己的看法。最後筆者建議:將來之研究應以成人為對象,藉以更深入瞭解工業化的生活對不同年齡層住民之心理健康的影響情形。 |
英文摘要 | The present study examined the hypothesis that industrialization has negative effects on mental health. Based on the hypothesis, it was predicted that the mental health of the dwellers in a large city is poorer than that of the dwellers in a small city. The students in a Senior High School for Girls and in a Senior High School for Boys in Taipei city were used as subjects representing respectively for the large city dwellers of both sexes, and the students of a girls' and a boys' senior high schools in Yi-lan city were used to represent the small city dwellers of both sexes. The large and small city dwellers were comparedon the new form Ko Mental Health Questionnaire scores. It was foundthat: (1) the prediction was supported by the findings with the female as subject but not by those with the male as subject; (2) the large city female dwellers were easier to feel depressed and hostile; (3) the large city dwellers are less strict about time, money, sex, and aggression, and less concerned with the attitude of others toward them. Further studiesusing subjects of different ages and schools are recommended. |