- 集集大地震後蚯蚓大量爬出現象之解析
- 地震危害與決策分析中的模糊訊息處理
- 大量蚯蚓地表爬 無關地震不要怕
- Alternate Methods for Construction of Design Response Spectrum
- Imaging of Arc-Arc Collision in the Ryukyu Forearc Region Offshore Hualien from TAICRUST OBS Line 16
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Nanao Forearc Basin from TAICRUST MCS/OBS Line 14
- Deformation of the Philippine Sea Plate Under the Coastal Range, Taiwan: Results from an Offshore-Onshore Seismic Experiment
- Crustal Velocity Variation of the Western Philippine Sea Plate from TAICRUST OBS/MCS Line 23
- Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern Offshore Region of Southern Taiwan Based on OBS Data
- Velocities of Pn-Waves in the Taiwan Strait and its Surrounding Area from Regional Earthquakes