題 名 | 施用有機液肥對蔬菜產量及品質之影響=Effect of Applying Organic Liquid Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Leafy Vegetable |
作 者 | 莊浚釗; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 83 2018.06[民107.06] |
頁 次 | 頁37-51 |
分類號 | 434.231 |
關鍵詞 | 有機液肥; 有機質肥料; 葉菜類; 小胡瓜; 小果番茄; Organic liquid fertilizer; Organic matter fertilize; Leafy vegetable; Cucumber; Tomato; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討噴施不同氮濃度液肥對短期葉菜類產量,以及磷和鉀肥不同施用方法對小胡瓜、小果番茄產量及品質之影響。2014-2015年於桃園市新屋區(本場)試驗田進行。結果顯示,葉片較薄之白莧菜及菠菜,以噴施氮200 mg L^(-1)處理較對照增產6%及10%最佳;葉片較厚之青梗白菜,以噴施氮400 mg L^(-1)處理增產9%最佳。施用磷和鉀肥對果實品質及產量均有正效益,其中以施用於土壤對作物產量及品質較噴施於葉片為佳;故推薦小胡瓜每株土壤施用磷肥80 g和鉀肥180 g,與小果番茄磷和鉀肥均施用80 g;而小胡瓜及小果番茄則葉片噴施磷和鉀分別為400、800 mg L^(-1)對果實產量及品質為最佳。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the foliar application of different concentrations of nitrogen (N) liquid fertilizer on the yield of leafy vegetable. The effects of different fertilization methods on phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers on the yield and quality of the cucumber and tomato were also studied. The studies were conducted in the field during 2014 to 2015 at TYDAIS (Hsinwo, Taoyuan). The results showed that application of of N 200 mg L^(-1) to the Ganges Amaranth and Spinach of the thin blade vegetable species resulted in the highest yield compared with the other treatments. Application of 400 mg L^(-1) N to the Pak Choi of thick leaf vegetable resulted in greater yield compared with the control. Soil application of P and K for cucumber and tomato resulted in better fruit quality and yield, compared with foliar application. Soil application of 80 g P per plant and 180 g K per plant combined with 400 mg P L^(-1) and 800 mg K L^(-1) for cucumber and tomato, respectively, resulted in the highest yield and quality. |