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題 名 | 柳杉人工林疏伐後7年之林分生長、林分結構及森林健康探討=Assessment of Stand Development, Stand Structure and Forest Health of a Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Plantation 7 Years after Thinning |
作 者 | 陳淯婷; 顏添明; | 書刊名 | 林業研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 40:2 2018.06[民107.06] |
頁 次 | 頁161-178 |
分類號 | 436.41 |
關鍵詞 | 柳杉; 森林健康; 林木健康; 疏伐; 林分結構; Japanese cedar; Cryptomeria japonica D. Don; Forest health; Tree health; Thinning; Stand structured; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討疏伐對於柳杉人工林不同層面之影響,包括林分生長、林分結構及森林健康等層面。林分疏伐試驗主要包括:下層疏伐35% (BT-35%)、下層疏伐45% (BT-45%)、上層疏伐35% (AT-35%)及對照組(UT)等四種不同處理,並於疏伐7年後評估其對不同層面之影響。在分析方法上,本研究採用變異數分析探討林分生長、Weibull機率密度函數模擬林分直徑分佈、森林健康指標評估森林健康,所得結果顯示林分於疏伐7年後,對生長性態值之影響較不明顯。由Weibull機率密度函數模擬不同疏伐處理於林分之結果可知,UT在疏伐後7年的直徑變異性較大。在森林健康評估方面,不同處理對於各直徑級之林木其健康等級所佔之比例,隨直徑級增加而增加,且不論何種處理(包括UT)皆有此趨勢。就整體林分而言,不同處理間健康分數具有差異性 (F=12.99, P<0.01),在統計差異上,經疏伐處理者之分數皆顯著高於UT (28.08±9.10),三種疏伐處理之分數,以BT-45% (32.61±6.46)顯著高於BT-35% (30.75±7.01),唯AT-35% (31.31±6.86)與其它二種疏伐處理之間並無顯著差異。由林分不同處理健康的表現可歸納得知,疏伐在健康的表現具有明顯的促進效果。整體而言,本研究所得結果,將可提供疏伐對不同面向具體的參考資訊,作為柳杉人工林經營管理之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to assess the stand growth, stand structure and forest health for a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation 7 years after thinning. Four treatment levels were conducted at this trial, including low-thinning 35% (BT-35%), low-thinning 45% (BT-45%), crown-thinning 35% (AT-35%) and un-thinning (UT). We used analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Weibull function and forest health indicators to access stand growth, stand structure and forest health for the 4 treatments, respectively. Our results showed that stand growth performance was not significant among treatments. On the other hand, simulation of the stand diameter distributions for each treatment 7 years after thinning by Weibull function showed that the UT treatment had larger variance compared to the other 3 treatments. Moreover, the performance of forest health was significantly different among treatments. We grouped the trees into 5 classes based on their diameter at breast height and compare the performance of health conditions among classes. The results showed a trend of increasing health scores with increasing DBH regardless of treatments. The ANOVA results showed a significant treatment effect (F=12.99, P<0.01). According to the Games-Howell test, the UT had the lowest score (28.08±9.10) and was significantly different from other treatments, indicating that stands with thinning obtained higher scores than the un-thinning treatment. Overall, BT-45% had the highest health score (32.61±6.46), followed by AT- 35% (31.31±6.86) and BT-35% (30.75±7.01). BT-45% and BT-35% had significant differences whereas AT-35% was not significant different with the other two treatments. The results of this study provide basic information of stand development after thinning for the management of Japanese cedar plantations. |