- 六龜試驗林臺灣杉人工林二次疏伐前林分狀況和立地微環境之調查分析
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題 名 | 六龜試驗林臺灣杉人工林二次疏伐前林分狀況和立地微環境之調查分析=Investigation on Stand Structure and Microsite Condition on Taiwania Plantation Prior to the Secondary Thinning Practice in Liu-Kuei Experimental Forest |
作 者 | 汪大雄; 邱志明; 謝漢欽; 唐盛林; 湯適謙; 劉景國; | 書刊名 | 中華林學季刊 |
卷 期 | 36:1=130 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-16 |
分類號 | 436.19 |
關鍵詞 | 林分結構; 疏伐; 地被植群; Stand structure; Thinning practice; Understory vegetation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 疏伐是人工林集約經營中不可或缺之撫育作業。疏伐作業因經由人為干擾,調整保留木之空間位置而產生許多孔隙,除對保留木之生長有所影響外,因微環境之改變會促進它種植生之更新與發育,因此其對森林環境之影響亦為林業工作者所須瞭解。為探討不同疏伐策略對六龜試驗林臺灣杉人工林立地微環境、土壤、林木生長、林分結構和地被植物之影響,林業試驗所森林經營系在1999年於每一處理內設置3 個監測樣區進行疏伐前後之氣象因子、林地因子、林木因子和植群因子之調查和監測。本報告係將本次(第二次)疏伐處理前上述各因子調查的資料進行整理和分析,以供估後續進行疏伐處理後各相關因子變化比較之基礎。調查結果顯示在微環境之光度方面,1991年非商業性疏伐處理區疏伐後之相對光度均較對照區之相對光度為大,但此等差異會隨疏伐後林分之恢復鬱閉而逐漸減少;溫度和濕度之日變化趨勢顯示,林外之微環境變化較林內之微環境變化激烈,而林內在疏伐處理前之微環境變化差異不大;臺灣杉林木之生長顯示非商業性疏伐效應在7年後已無作用;地被植物顯示在非商業性疏伐7年後,雖然疏伐區之覆蓋度仍然較對照區為高,但歧異度則相差無幾;此外,就各層土壤之平均值而言,顯示全氮含量、可交換性鈣、鎂含量和陽離子交換量,四項養分濃度皆以中度區最高,有效磷、可交換性鉀含量首有機質含量則以強度區最高,但各處理間之各項差異不大,顯示在第二次疏伐處理前,各監測樣區內之土壤養分之分佈狀況甚為類似。整體說來,由監測樣區資料顯示第二次疏伐處理前,除地被植群外,試驗地內各處理區之林分和微環境狀況之差異不大,而呈相當之均勻性。 |
英文摘要 | Foresters have long been interested in thinning as a method of stimulating timber growth and producing higher quality sawlogs. Due to the fact that the openings of tree in stand can be alternated spatially by the thinning practice, the development of associated vegetation may be a affected by the change in microsite condition caused by the thinning practice. Besides the effect on timber growth and quality, the impact of thinning practice on environmental issue, therefore, should be aware by the foresters as well. In order to investigate the effects of thinning strategy on tree growth, understory vegetation development, and associated microsite conditions under Taiwania plantations, a thinning practice of three residual levels in basal area with an area in 3-5 ha for each treatment was carried in 1999, and 3 monitoring plots with area 0.09 ha each were set up for each treatment in Liu-Kuei Experiment Forests. The purpose of this paper is to provide a baseline information showing the status of issued with respect to stand development, soil characteristics, understory vegetation, and microsite conditions before the 2nd thinning practice in 1999, This study showed that after the previous thinning in 1991, the relative light intensity in thinning stand is higher than that in control area with the decrease in difference throughout the crown closure approaching. A big difference existed between open area and stand both in temperature and relative humidity with a little variation between stands; the stimulating effect of thinning on Taiwania plantation growth has become trivial at 7 years after the previous thinning; while the coverage rate by understory vegetation in thinned stand is higher compared to that in unthinned stand at 7 years after thinning, the diversity index in both in quite the same: and in soil characteristics and nutrient, there is a consistent distribution among stands prior to the 2nd thinning practice in 1999. in general, except for the understory vegetation pattern, the variations in factors mentioned above among plots were small at the time of implementing the 2nd thinning practice. |