- 《三槍》現實驚奇
- Understanding Chinese Film Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century: The Case of Not One Less by Zhang Yimou [張藝謀]
- 「敢曝」再現之單一/獨白邏輯:張藝謀攝影(照相)美學之「中國」符號的變異--以《一個和八個》及九五年短片為例
- 紅燈籠的忽明忽滅--看張藝謀《大紅燈籠高高掛》與蘇童《妻妾成群》
- 為帝王設計完美儀式
- 路長情更長--淺談電影《那山那人那狗》[霍建起導演]
- Chinese Cinema and Transnational Cultural Politics: Reflections on Film Festivals, Film Productions, and Film Studies
- Eileen Chang[張愛玲], Woman's Film, and Domestic Culture of Modern Shanghai
- 中國新電影的全能導演﹣﹣張藝謀
- From National Cinemas to Cinema and the National: Rethinking the National in Transnational Chinese Cinemas