- 乳腺炎與母乳哺育
- 「母乳哺育」在嬰幼兒發育成長中所扮演的角色
- Breast Milk and the Prevention of Neonatal and Preterm Gastrointestinal Disease States: A New Perspective
- Breastfeeding Practices in Indonesia
- 天賜的甘泉--談母乳哺育
- 降低生乳體細胞數的保健食品--鳳梨酵素
- Maternal Intention and Actual Behavior in Infant Feeding at One Month Postpartum
- Analysis of Factors Associated with Initiation and Duration of Breast-Feeding: A Study in Taitung Taiwan
- 推展母嬰親善醫院政策之經驗分享
- 關切我們的下一代--母乳哺育之推廣