題 名 | 從習慣領域與美塔學理論解析阿里巴巴集團主席馬雲=Evaluate Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma from Habitual Domains and Metalogy |
作 者 | 李偉俊; | 書刊名 | 習慣領域期刊 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2016.09[民105.09] |
頁 次 | 頁79-105 |
分類號 | 553.97 |
關鍵詞 | 阿里巴巴集團; 美塔學; 馬雲; 習慣領域; Aliabab Group; Metalogy; Jack Ma; Habitual domains; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的主要目的為從習慣領域與美塔學雙理論觀點來解析阿里巴巴集團主席馬雲的企業經營理念與人生思維,本研究以文獻分析法進行相關理論的評析研究,文獻來源主要選自有關馬雲的新聞報導與名言語錄等文件資訊來進行分析,並用電腦輔助質性分析軟體NVivo 10進行三階段的資料處理與分析。本研究的結論為:一、馬雲的企業經營理念呼應習慣領域學說中的「光明心態」且契合美塔學中「美」的思維;二、馬雲的人生思維與名言語錄呼應部分習慣領域的八大通性和八擴原理精神,以及符應美塔學中「塔」的創新思維;三、馬雲的人生思維與名言語錄中有其同時相對思考的部分。建議未來的研究可進一步運用習慣領域和美塔學理論去評析與比較其他中西方企業鉅子的企業經營理念與思維,並能對未來的企業經營提出另一種創新的思維和跨領域的作法。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research is to evaluate business management concept of the Alibaba Group chairman Jack Ma from the theoretical perspectives of habitual domains (HD) and Metalogy. This research employs literature analysis from historical documents, on-line report, and quotations about Jack Ma. Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software NVivo 10 is applied to process and analyze three phases of data. There are three major findings for this study. Firstly, Jack Ma's business management concept fits best of the theoretical concepts of HD and Metalogy. Secondly, Jack Ma used both of the brightly attitude in HD and "beauty" thinking in Metalogy. Thirdly, further study was recommended to investigate and analyze both the eastern and western business celebrities, and compare the differences between them to suggest other innovative thinking and multidisciplinary approach in business management. |