題 名 | 地震防災應變資訊網之開發=Development of Seismic Disaster Information Websites |
作 者 | 陳志欣; 葉錦勳; 周光武; | 書刊名 | 中國土木水利工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 28:4 2016.12[民105.12] |
頁 次 | 頁277-285 |
分類號 | 354.4 |
關鍵詞 | 開放原始碼; 網路地理資訊系統; 跨平臺; 臺灣地震損失評估系統; Open source; Web-GIS; Cross platform; TELES; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為有效評估地震潛在風險與可能引致的災難,本研究應用國家地震工程研究中心之「台灣地震損失評估系統」(TELES),發展「地震防災應變資訊網」,以於震前模擬地震可能造成之災情損失,預防整備以提升防災應變能力;震後評估地震可能引致之損害,以快速擬定整體救災計畫。資訊網之發展除包含與TELES整合機制、採用商業網路地理資訊系統等議題外,營運若干年後面臨高額商業軟體限制其營運推廣與永續發展,及無法相容於日益蓬勃發展之智慧型裝置等困境。本研究將詳述資訊網發展之整合建置、困境與對策及其建置成果。 |
英文摘要 | In order to help mitigate the seismic hazards in Taiwan, the Seismic Disaster Information Websites have been developed by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE). They can be employed to retrieve the seismic hazards as well as the estimates of damages and losses given an earthquake scenario. Accordingly, efforts could be made in advance and more effective to enhance the seismic preparedness of both public and private sectors. They can also release quick estimates of the likely damages and losses whenever a major earthquake occurs. Emergency personnel can utilize the released information for best decision-making to deal with a disastrous situation. The seismic scenario database behind the websites is computed by Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES), the core technology for seismic scenario simulation developed again by NCREE. Originally, the websites were developed with the commercial software ArcGIS Server employed as the GIS core. The software was found to have a lack of compatibility with mobile devices, and the license is very expensive. Therefore, the GIS core has been replaced by free and open source Web-GIS solutions as well as cross-platform techniques. As a result of independence from commercial software and compatibility with all mobile devices, the Seismic Disaster Information Websites can be truly economical and effective in enhancing the practices of earthquake hazard mitigation and emergency response in Taiwan. |