題 名 | 從政策執行與政策評估視角分析《幼兒園教保活動暫行課程大綱》政策之施行=Analyzing the Conduction of "Pre-school Temporary Curriculum Guideline" in Light of Policy Execution and Assessment |
作 者 | 林思騏; | 書刊名 | 教育理論與實踐學刊 |
卷 期 | 34 2016.12[民105.12] |
頁 次 | 頁31-56 |
分類號 | 523.23 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒園教保活動課程大綱; 政策執行; 政策評估; Pre-school temporary curriculum guideline; Policy execution; Policy assessment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以後實證政策執行研究途徑來瞭解《課程大綱》政策在實務面影響政策達成的關鍵要素,並融入回應建構評估的精神,檢視《課程大綱》政策在幼兒園現場的施行狀況。研究顯示對於《課程大綱》政策施行有贊成與反對二派說法,贊成者認為善用《課程大綱》內涵檢視自己的課程判斷,讓自己的課程有更加全面的想法是非常好的作法。持反對意見者並非對《課程大綱》政策本身有太大的意見。教育資源配置不公平、幼兒園本身營運穩定、面對新課程不確定、擔心工作量大增等外在因素,是不配合《課程大綱》政策融入教學的原因。本研究結果發現真正推動創新、造成課程改變的最大力量,已不是來自原本掌握詮釋權的那群學者,而是在不同的工作場域,關心怎樣才是為幼兒好的一般幼教工作者。 |
英文摘要 | This paper attempts to understand the key factors for the actualization of the policy of "Pre- School Temporary Curriculum Guideline" in terms of "post-positivism of policy execution" and to examine the conduction of "Curriculum Guideline" in kindergartens with the analytical perspectives of responding, constructing and assessing. It shows that there are pros and cons of conducting this policy. Supporters claim that utilizing this curriculum guideline could be helpful to review their own decision of curriuclum design and to develop a more comprehensive vision of curriculum. Comparatively, the oppositions do not argue against the content of the policy. The unequal allocation of educational resource, the instability of the operation of kindergarten, the uncertainity of new curriculum and the potentially numerous increasing of workload are the main external factors of their unwilling to corporate with the integration of the policy into their teaching. This paper finds that the most powerful strength to innovate and transform curriculums are not no more from scholars with rhetoric power, but from those pre-school teachers and personnel in different fields who are all genuinely concerned about the well-being of children. |